Liquid crimson Read online

Page 9

  Neo released Michael’s cock and wrapped both arms around Michael’s waist, lifting him off the ground with each hard thrust. All Michael could do was brace his hands against the wall and enjoy the ride.

  “Michael!” Neo howled as he climaxed.

  The two of them slid to the ground still connected. Neo latched onto Michael’s neck and fed, renewing both of them. Michael felt safe with Neo wrapped around him and started to drift. There was something about Neo’s bite that affected Michael like a drug. Although Neo’s short, lustful bites energised Michael, the feeding bites seemed to calm him, lulling him into a world of unicorns and rainbows.

  Michael giggled, actually giggled like a schoolgirl, at the thoughts running through his head. Neo sealed the puncture wounds on Michael’s neck and chuckled. “What’s so funny?” Neo asked.

  “Did you know unicorns follow rainbows?” Michael asked, still giggling.

  Neo stuffed his flaccid cock back into his pants and got to his feet. Michael stared up at his mate with a goofy grin on his face. “Where’re you going?”

  “To get some food into your stomach. Come on.” Neo bent down and lifted Michael to his feet.

  Michael tried to untangle his jeans from around his ankles and finally threw up his hands. “Fuck it. I’ll walk back to the house naked.”

  Neo shook his head and knelt in front of Michael to help him pull up his jeans. “Are you okay?” Neo asked.

  “Sure. Why?” Michael asked, lifting his arms above his head as Neo pulled his T-shirt over his head.

  “Because you seem more out of it than usual.” Neo stood and stared into Michael’s eyes. “Are you sure you feel okay?”

  Michael wrapped his arms around Neo’s neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss. “Maybe I should drink your blood,” he slurred. Spots started to dance in his field of vision, Michael reached out to try and catch one before he realised there was nothing there. “You know. I think maybe you’re right.”

  Without another word, Michael’s world went black as he fell into Neo’s arms.

  * * * *

  Neo yawned and stretched his arms over his head. He stared down at a snoring Michael and frowned. He never woke with Michael still in bed. Neo reached under the covers to palm Michael’s flaccid cock, something that would normally get an immediate reaction from his mate.

  Michael grunted and rolled onto his stomach. “Sleep,” Michael mumbled before the soft snore sounded again.

  Concerned, Neo felt Michael’s forehead for any sign of fever. If anything, Michael seemed colder than he should be. Colder. “Fuck!”

  Throwing off the covers, Neo got out of bed and dressed quickly, foregoing a shower for the moment. He was out of his room and downstairs within minutes.

  “Good evening, Your Highness,” Joseph greeted.

  “No it’s not,” Neo grumbled. He went into his office and slammed the door. “Spiro!”

  When no answer came, Neo ground his teeth together and picked up the phone. “Gunnar. I’m going to the Realm to find Spiro. Do me a favour and watch Michael.”

  “It’s change of shift. Wouldn’t you rather have Ramiro guarding the house?” Gunnar asked.

  Neo glanced at the clock. Although Ramiro would be more effective against LaMont’s coven, Neo trusted Gunnar with what was most precious to him. “I’d appreciate it if you’d do it.”

  “Is something wrong? You haven’t been to the Realm in centuries.”

  With his heart in his throat, Neo sighed. “I think I’m turning Michael into a vampire,” he admitted.

  Gunnar remained silent for several moments. “I’ll watch him. You go do what you need to do.”

  “Thank you,” Neo mumbled and hung up. He would never forgive himself if a man as sweet and caring as Michael ended up a monster like him. Closing his eyes, Neo pulled forth the fae in his blood to make the journey. Gunnar had been right, it had been centuries since he’d attempted travel to the Realm.

  The process took much longer than it used to, but Neo slowly began to feel the shimmer as it worked through his body. He slowed his breathing and focused on Spiro as he felt himself start to drift.

  When he opened his eyes it was to chaos. Standing in the throne room, Neo tried to make sense out of the yelling around him. Spiro sat on his throne and pleaded with a group of men, Neo believed to be werewolves, to please calm themselves and listen to him.

  Neo stood transfixed by the anger directed towards his brother. He couldn’t understand it. Everyone loved Spiro. Who did these men think they were to threaten his brother? Neo’s protective instincts kicked in and called on his vampiric strength for the first time since being turned.

  In the blink of an eye, Neo stood between Spiro and the group of werewolves. He grabbed the alpha of the group by the throat and lifted him off the ground. “Who do you think you are to speak to your King in such a manner?”

  In answer, the man turned into a midnight black wolf and tried his best to bite the arm that held him captive.

  Unafraid, Neo used his free hand to clamp the wolf’s muzzle shut. He leant in and stared into the eyes of the alpha. “You will not try that again!” he growled, flashing his fangs.

  It was the alpha who broke eye contact, and Neo knew it was a form of submission. He released the wolf’s muzzle. “Change back and speak to me.” When the wolf didn’t seem inclined to follow directions, Neo thumped it hard on the nose. “Now!”

  The alpha shifted to his human form, and Neo loosened his grip on the man’s neck, setting him on his feet. Looking over his shoulder, Neo studied his brother. Spiro appeared thinner than usual, gaunt actually. “Are you okay?”

  Spiro nodded, but his gaze was haunted. “I thank you for your help.”

  Guilt filled Neo and settled heavily on his heart. He turned his attention back to the werewolves. “I’m going to release you, but do not think of testing me.”

  The man nodded. Neo pushed the man back several feet as he released him. “Explain yourselves,” Neo commanded.

  The alpha began a long explanation of the land rights and how the werecats were encroaching on their hunting ground. It was a typical argument, one that had gone on for centuries, so why the chaos?

  “Do you have a map of your land?” Neo asked.

  “Yes,” the alpha answered, producing it from his inside coat pocket.

  Neo studied the map for several moments. “Show me where the cats are encroaching.”

  “They’re crossing the river, here.” The alpha pointed out.

  According to the map, the properties were divided by the river except for several areas where the river bent towards the werecats’ land. Neo pointed towards those sections on the map. “There are documented instances where the cats own land on the other side of the river. That’s not to say they aren’t trespassing on your land, but it’s very possible the boundaries are not properly marked. You have two choices. Pay the werecats for their land that extends beyond the river or erect a fence, surveyed properly by an outside vendor.”

  “And what if they continue to ignore the boundaries?” the alpha huffed.

  “Then come back and plead your case, knowing you’ve done everything in your power to work with the werecats.”

  The alpha jerked his head towards the others. “Let’s go.”

  Neo cleared his throat. “You will not leave this room until each and every one of you apologises for your disrespect.”

  The alpha’s eyes narrowed. He started to take a step towards Neo, but evidently thought better of it. “Forgive me, Your Highness.”

  “Don’t apologise to me. I’m not the one you were screaming at.” Neo stepped to the side, no longer between Spiro and the werewolves.

  One by one they each stepped forward and bowed their heads in apology. As was Spiro’s nature, he forgave them all with soothing words of healing the rift between the wolves and cats. Neo rolled his eyes. Spiro had been right all along. He had neither the temperament nor the backbone to be an effective King.

>   “Is that typical?” Neo asked, gesturing to the werewolves retreating backs as they left the room.

  “Yes,” Spiro said in his usual soft voice. He looked at Neo. “I hate it. I never thought I’d use that word, but I do.” Spiro stood and walked towards Neo. “What’s happened that you would seek me out in the Realm?”

  “Is it possible that I’m turning Michael into a vampire without knowing it?”

  Spiro’s expression turned haunted. “No. You couldn’t change him if you tried. He wasn’t created for that purpose.”

  Spiro’s statement brought up something that had been on Neo’s mind for months. “Where did he come from? Who are Michael’s parents?”

  Turning away, Spiro gathered his long white hair and tied it at the nape of his neck. “Michael was a gift to you from the gods. Please just accept that.”

  “No! There are too many secrets. I need to know what’s wrong with my mate. I can’t protect him unless I know what’s going on. Why does his blood allow me to walk in the sunlight?”

  “Because that’s what he is!” Spiro yelled. “He’s the embodiment of sunlight, offspring of Hemera, Goddess of Daylight and Hyperion, God of Light. He was given to you as a gift so that you may see fit to take your place as King of the Realm.”

  “Why do the gods care so much about me to give me such a gift?” Neo asked.

  Spiro shook his head and rubbed his eyes as he began to pace the length of the room. “It isn’t the gods. It’s your father, Zeus. Evidently he feels guilty for not coming to your aid when you were captured. We both know he was far too busy fucking every female he could get his hands on. He ordered the gift. Hemera and Hyperion provided it.”

  “Why did my father choose you to raise Michael instead of his parents?” Neo asked.

  “I’ve never hidden my desire for a child. In the beginning, I believed Zeus allowed me the privilege of raising Michael as a reward for leading the Realm in your absence.” Spiro shook his head. “But I was a fool. I soon learned the real reason.” Spiro stared at Neo. “Zeus knew you wouldn’t turn me away when I asked for your help in protecting Michael.”

  “So why did you continue to let my father have his way?” Neo asked.

  “Because I loved Michael. Once in my arms, I would do anything for that boy. Anything!”

  Neo was shocked at Spiro’s anger. The usual even-tempered brother he’d grown up with was nothing like the man spewing venom as he paced the marble floor.

  “Like what?” Neo could tell there was more Spiro wasn’t telling him.

  Spiro closed his eyes and ran his hands through his long blond hair, tugging at the pale strands.

  It was a lot for Neo to take in. It would no doubt prompt many hours of wandering around the vineyard before he could wrap his mind around the entire situation.

  “About Michael…,” Neo began.

  “I’ve done all I can do for him.” Spiro shook his head. “Until you take your rightful place there is no hope for any of us. Now go before I lose my dignity and beg you to stay.”

  Neo opened his mouth to argue when his phone rang. “Dammit!” He dug the phone out of his pocket. “It’s Ramiro,” he announced.

  “Neo,” he answered.

  “They’re gone,” Ramiro said.

  The hair on the back of Neo’s neck prickled. “Who?”

  “Gunnar and Michael. We found Sema clinging to life in the hall, and Joseph staked to your desk. I’m sorry but we were unable to save him.”

  The air left Neo’s lungs as he dropped to his knees. Memories of being staked by Francois LaMont assaulted him. “No!” he cried.

  Chapter Eight

  Michael opened his eyes and immediately sought refuge against the stone wall at his back. Although the man standing over him was small, roughly five-four, Michael knew a vampire’s size had nothing to do with his strength.

  “Please, no more,” Michael begged. He’d been beaten repeatedly, burned and stabbed. Now one of them was back for more. It seemed his kidnappers weren’t done with him yet. The one thought that continually played out in his head was that Neo had endured four hundred years of the same torture while he’d only been in the dark, dank room for a matter of a few days.

  The small man held up his hands. “I won’t hurt you. My name is Audric. I want to help, but I don’t know how,” the man stammered in a nervous fashion.

  “Get me outta here,” Michael pleaded.

  “I can’t. They’re stronger than I am,” the man whispered. “I thought of going to Neo, but he’ll kill me on sight before I have the chance to explain.”

  Michael knew as much. “Why would you help me? Aren’t you one of them?”

  Audric looked away. “No. I’ve tried a number of times to break free of them, but they always find me and…” Audric shook his head. “I hate them.”

  There was something in the way Audric held himself that told Michael he spoke the truth. He could see the fear in the man’s green eyes as he stared through the mop of dark red hair.

  “Where’s Gunnar?” Michael had heard his friend’s screams for two days but then they stopped. He prayed death hadn’t taken the alpha.

  Audric’s eyes filled with tears. “Your friend put up a fight. The rest of my family were not kind to him.”

  “Is he dead?” Michael asked.

  “He probably wishes he were, but no. They…changed him.”

  “He’s wolf. How is that possible?” Michael had never heard of a were creature being turned into a vampire.

  “Francois was very skilled in the black arts, and he had good students. He managed to change the son of Zeus. Do you really think changing a wolf would be a challenge for his students?”

  “Why change Gunnar and not me?” Michael asked.

  “They want your friend for his strength and because he’s a friend to Neo. You,” Audric shook his head, “they can’t change. One of my coven tried and died for his efforts. The others are afraid of you.”

  Michael vaguely remembered the screams of a man in pain after he was first brought in. “My blood.”

  Audric nodded.

  “That’s two of you I’ve managed to kill without even trying. Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

  “I am,” Audric confessed. “But I’m more afraid of what you’ll do to me if I don’t help you escape.”

  “Smart man,” Michael said.

  “No. If I were smart I would’ve never allowed myself to be captured by Francois in the first place.” Audric crouched down in front of Michael. “I also hoped you’d protect me if I got away.”

  “How do I know I can trust you?” Michael’s gut instinct told him Audric was sincere, but it could also be a trick. He sighed. Why would Audric need to trick him? It was obvious the coven already knew where Neo lived.

  Audric shrugged and started chewing on his thumbnail. “I don’t know. I mean, why would you, right?” Those big green eyes stared into Michael’s. “I’m tired of being afraid. They…hurt me when they get bored because they know I can’t do anything about it.”

  Michael swallowed around the lump in his throat. He’d thought Neo’s story was the saddest thing he’d ever heard, but Audric was still living the life Neo had escaped from. In that moment, Michael knew he’d do everything in his power to protect Audric. “Go to Neo. Tell him I told you the story about my friend, Tim, who lost his leg.”

  “What’s the story?” Audric asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. Just tell him what I told you.”

  “But you haven’t told me. What if he asks me questions, and I can’t answer them?” Audric started on his other thumb, chewing the nail down to the quick.

  If Michael didn’t know better, he would have thought Audric was the younger man of the two of them. He wanted to ask, but by the way Audric kept looking over his shoulder and jumping at every little noise, their time was evidently limited. Hopefully they would have a chance to talk once they were both safe.

  “If Neo tries to question you further, just tell him t
hat I said ‘Baby and Fido need him to listen’. Will you do that?”

  Audric nodded. “I need to go while they’re busy trying to figure out what to try on you next.”

  Although the statement was made with remorse, the gravity of the situation hit Michael like a ton of bricks. Despite the heavy manacle and chain around his wrist, Michael reached out and placed a hand on Audric’s thin shoulder. “Go.” He tried to give Audric an encouraging smile, but he knew it fell short.

  The beatings made sense. They weren’t trying to simply torture him. The LaMont coven wanted him dead. Michael sighed. The bigger question was why hadn’t they succeeded?

  * * * *

  After the sun dipped below the horizon, Neo opened the heavy curtains in his study. He’d found out quickly that without Michael’s daily feeding, he could no longer tolerate the sunlight. Slumping back down into his chair, he sipped at the thick donor blood, closing his eyes each time he brought the glass to his mouth. He needed his wits and Liquid Crimson had dulled his mind for far too many years. If he was to get Michael back, he needed his strength.

  Neo set the glass down and concentrated on the roaring blaze in the fireplace. Several realisations had come to him over the past few days. First and foremost, he was stronger than he’d ever been since making himself stomach undiluted human blood. Although the Liquid Crimson was far more palatable, it had made him weak.

  A knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts. He quickly finished his dinner before setting the glass on the floor beside him, out of sight. “Come in.”

  As soon as the door opened, Neo smelled his mate. His eyes narrowed as Ramiro led Audric into the room. In the blink of an eye, Neo was in front of the man he’d seen hiding in the shadows behind Francois for those torturous years he’d been held captive.

  Fangs extended, Neo reached for Audric’s throat. It was only Ramiro’s strength that kept him from decapitating Audric with his bare hands.

  “Wait!” Ramiro shouted. “He’s here to help us. He has a message from Michael.”

  Neo’s jaws were so tight in his anger it took a moment to unclench them enough to speak again. “Talk,” he commanded.