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Page 8
The toe of Michael’s sneaker hit a rock and he stumbled forward, barely catching himself before he fell to the ground. After regaining his balance, Michael bent over and braced his hands on his knees for several deep breaths. He glanced up at the sun and shook his head. Despite the temperature only hovering around fifty-three degrees, it felt closer to ninety to Michael.
Michael had noticed the heat getting to him several days earlier when the sun came out for the first time in almost a month. He thought the lighter running clothes would make a difference, but as he started off down the path, he was beginning to question himself.
Suddenly each step felt like twenty as he made his way down the row of sleeping grape vines. When he once again tripped over a stone, that wouldn’t have given him a thought a week earlier, Michael couldn’t right himself in time and fell to the ground. The soft fertile soil cushioned his impact but left his skin raw where it slid across the dirt before he was able to come to a stop.
Winded, Michael rolled to his side. He was within a hundred yards of the house, but too exhausted to stand and his skin hurt, like it was too tight. He crawled to an area dappled with patches of shade. Maybe if he rested for a few minutes he’d find he’d simply over-exerted himself.
Chapter Seven
“Where’s Michael?” Neo asked Joseph upon entering the kitchen.
Joseph spun around, his eyes wide. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, I wasn’t expecting you to wake so early.”
It was a few minutes after three in the afternoon, the earliest Neo had been awake since he’d been turned into a vampire. He felt a sense of doom in his gut, but didn’t want to alarm Joseph. “Just couldn’t sleep.”
Joseph nodded, but offered nothing more.
“Michael?” Neo prompted.
“Oh.” Joseph glanced around the kitchen, obviously in thought. “I haven’t seen him since he went out for his daily run.”
The news further fuelled Neo’s unease. “Search the house. I’ll call Gunnar.”
Neo left the kitchen and strode to his study. He unplugged the cell phone from its charger and punched in Gunnar’s number, surprised when it went directly to voicemail. “Call me immediately!” he barked into the phone and hung up.
Neo began to pace around the room, eventually ending up in front of the heavily-draped window. Before moving the curtains aside, he pulled a pair of dark sunglasses from his desk and put them on as well as a long black duster. Neo’s stomach began to roil with each second that passed. Something was definitely wrong.
With a deep breath and shaking hands, Neo opened the curtains enough to see outside. Even with the dark glasses in place, it took several moments for Neo’s eyes to become accustomed to the bright sunlight. He tried to keep the bare skin of his hands hidden within the drapes as he scanned the area.
The vineyard that he knew like no one else seemed different at first glance, but Neo couldn’t put his finger on it. The answer is within the rows, he told himself. “There,” he shouted when he spotted the lump.
Neo’s heart seemed to stop beating when he realised the lump was Michael. Without thought for his own safety, Neo went to the set of French doors and ran out of the house. “Michael,” he yelled, running towards the man he loved.
He dropped to his knees as soon as he reached Michael. “What have you done to yourself?” he whispered upon seeing Michael’s red, blistered skin.
Michael opened his eyes only enough for Neo to see the pale blue colouring. “Help me,” he gasped.
When Neo tried to lift the smaller man into his arms, Michael screamed in agony. “No! Hurts!”
Neo released Michael and stood, tearing the long coat from his body. He placed the coat over Michael’s burned body. “Help!” he screamed before returning his attention to Michael. He lifted the edge of the coat. “It’s okay, baby, we’ll get you inside.”
“Where are you?” Gunnar yelled.
“Here.” Neo stood long enough to wave down his head of security.
“We’ll have to use my coat as a stretcher,” Neo informed Gunnar.
“What happened?” Gunnar asked as he helped slide the coat under Michael’s body.
“I don’t know. I woke up knowing something was wrong. I tried to call you but it went to voicemail. Then I looked out the window and saw him.”
“I was on the phone talking to an informant who has a lead on where we might find LaMont’s coven. I didn’t get off until I heard you yell.” Gunnar removed his shirt and draped it over Michael’s face and shoulders. He suddenly stopped what he was doing and stared at Neo. “Why aren’t you burning?”
“What?” Neo asked. It was then that he realised the sun didn’t seem to be affecting him at all. He held out his hand and stared at it, no blisters, no ugly red welts. Neo glanced back down at Michael. “Fuck. Come on, help me carry him inside.”
With Gunnar on one end and Neo at the other, they quickly got Michael inside. Joseph came running as soon as he heard Michael cry out in pain. “What’s happened?”
“He’s burned. Summon Spiro.” With a jerk of his head, Neo motioned for Gunnar to continue down the hall towards the staircase. “Let’s get him in the tub.”
“Help me,” Michael gasped as Neo and Gunnar jostled him while climbing the stairs.
“We’re trying, love, please just stay with me.”
“Hurts so bad.” When a tear rolled down the side of Michael’s face, he cried out once more. “burns.”
“Try not to cry. The salt will only make it hurt more,” Neo explained.
Once in the bathroom, Gunnar set about filling the large tub with cool water as Neo found a pair of scissors and began to cut away Michael’s clothes. He didn’t like the thought of Gunnar seeing Michael naked, but it couldn’t be helped. “Let me step in and then we’ll lift Michael into the tub.”
Gunnar nodded and did as asked. Once Michael was settled with his back against Neo’s chest, Neo and Gunnar worked together to free Michael of the coat. “Go get a glass from the kitchen,” Neo ordered.
As soon as Gunnar fled the room, Spiro materialised, a small vial of clear sparkling liquid in his hand. “Here. Hold his mouth open,” Spiro said, tipping the vial towards Michael’s lips.
“What is it?” Neo asked. He wasn’t sure where to grab Michael, every inch of his face was so badly burnt. The last thing he wanted was to cause his beloved more pain.
“Here,” Spiro grunted, grabbing Michael’s face and pulling his jaw down.
Michael screamed as the brittle skin stretched and split in several places. Spiro ignored Michael’s plea and poured the liquid down his throat. Michael sputtered for a few moments before closing his mouth.
Spiro released Michael and sat back on the tiled floor. “He’ll be okay in a few hours.”
“What did you give him?” Neo asked again.
Spiro closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the vanity. “Something I made in my laboratory but hoped I’d never have to use.”
“You didn’t answer my fucking question. What was in that vile?”
Gunnar came back into the room carrying a large glass. “Here. Joseph wants to know if you need anything else.”
“No. Thank you.” Neo wasn’t happy with his head of security. “I’ll deal with you later.”
Gunnar bowed and exited the room.
“It’s not his fault,” Spiro said.
“Then whose fault is it? Mine?” Neo asked. He began to pour cool water over Michael’s body as his love drifted in and out of consciousness.
“Michael’s changing,” Spiro answered.
“Into what?” Neo’s greatest fear slapped him in the face. “I haven’t allowed him to drink from me.”
Spiro shook his head. “Michael isn’t human so you wouldn’t have to exchange blood to turn him. His body is assimilating, becoming one with yours. It was a way for the gods to give you back some of what LaMont took from you.”
“Like sunlight?” Neo held up his hand. “I was outside, unpr
otected for more than ten minutes and nothing, not even pink.”
Spiro’s expression turned thoughtful. “It’ll only get better the longer you love and feed from Michael. It may take a few years, but you will eventually be able to do all the things you did before your capture.”
Eating real food was the first thought to pop into Neo’s head. To sit down like a civilised man and have a real dinner at the dining table. He found himself wistful, longing for the day when he could feel like his old self. “I’ll like that,” he confessed.
“Of course you will,” Spiro answered. He stood and bent over the tub to smooth his fingertips across Michael’s cheek. “Shedding the vampire within yourself has always been the most important thing to you.” Spiro glanced up to meet Neo’s gaze. “You’ve been given a true gift that will allow that to happen. It’s up to you to take care of Michael long enough to see that day.”
“Wait,” Neo called when Spiro started to fade. “What else should I do for Michael? You never told me what was in that medicine.”
“Dry him and put him to bed. He’ll need more sleep over the next several days.”
Before Neo could say more, Spiro was gone. Neo looked down at Michael. He couldn’t see his mate’s face, but the blisters on his arms and legs already looked better. Neo gently poured another cup of water over the burned flesh. What changes were taking place within the man that he loved? Spiro didn’t say, but Neo hoped strong sun block and proper body covering would still allow Michael to enjoy the sunshine.
Neo sighed. Michael’s gift of sunlight was more than Neo had ever hoped for. If not, Neo knew he would never again walk in the sunshine without a heavy heart. A gift, such as he’d been given, deserved to be shared between two people in love. Without Michael by his side, daylight would hold no meaning for him.
* * * *
“This hat makes me look stupid,” Michael grumbled. It was bad enough that he’d been told to wear jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.
Neo wrapped his arms around Michael. He ducked under the wide brim of the straw hat and kissed him. “Sorry, but I’m not taking any more chances with you.”
“Yeah, that’s what you said last time,” he quipped. As soon as the words were out he gasped. “I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. I know it’s not your fault.”
Neo said nothing for several moments. One side of his mouth eventually lifted into a half-smile. “I know you didn’t, but you’re right, I have said that too many times without following through on my promise. I’m truly sorry for that.”
Michael shook his head. The last thing he wanted was for Neo to feel guilty. In the week since Neo had risked his life to rescue him, Michael had begged Neo to go out and enjoy the sunshine. Each time Neo refused, saying that he wouldn’t go out until he could take Michael with him. It might have seemed like a simple thing to some people, but Michael knew how much Neo had missed moving around in the daylight hours.
“What’re we going to do?” Michael asked as Neo opened the door and ushered him out.
“I don’t know,” Neo answered. “I think I’d like to walk around if you think you’re up to it.”
“I’m fine.” Michael’s burns had healed within forty-eight hours, but it had taken him longer to regain his strength. He glanced at the setting sun. “You know, there’s probably only about forty-five minutes of daylight left. We should’ve come out earlier.”
Neo threaded his fingers through Michael’s as they walked down the path. “I’m still not convinced it’s safe for either of us. Since the sun is weaker at this time of day, I thought it would be a good test.”
Strolling towards the valley beyond the mated employee housing, Neo slowed his pace. Michael stopped and looked up at the man he loved. “Something wrong?”
His eyes shimmering with unshed tears, Neo shook his head. “It’s the first time I’ve seen my beloved Le Uve del Regno in the sunlight. It’s more beautiful than I ever imagined.”
Michael gazed at the landscape. Although a light snow had fallen only a month earlier, the terraced hills were varying shades of green, the tall cypress standing sentinel around the perimeter of the vineyard. “When I first came here, I thought of those trees up there as prison guards.”
Neo’s hand landed on the small of Michael’s back. “You didn’t like it here?”
Michael shook his head. “It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s gorgeous, no one could deny that, but I was…lonely. In the Realm people wanted me around. They valued my opinion, they thought I was funny.” Michael shrugged. “I felt like I’d given everything up for a man who didn’t even want me here.”
“But you stayed anyway,” Neo reminded Michael.
Grinning, Michael wrapped his arms around Neo’s waist. “Of course I did. I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Sema.”
Neo chuckled and kissed the top of Michael’s head. “You like my big pussycat don’t you?”
“I love your big pussycat, and I hate to tell you this, but I think he likes me better than he does you.”
“No way. I rescued Sema from a horrible man who used to beat him. Sema may be a cat, but he understands more than you think he does.”
Nestled against Neo’s chest, Michael hummed his contentment. Although Neo still refused his role as king of the Blessed Creatures, his heart seemed bigger than his stubbornness. Caring for the well-being of all of God’s creatures was the most important aspect of leading them. Spiro had done a good job in Neo’s absence, but he lacked the resolute quality that came so naturally to Neo.
The back of Neo’s hand pressed against Michael’s cheek. “How’re you feeling?”
“Tell me if your skin starts to tingle. That’s usually the first sign that you’re burning.”
Michael chuckled and pressed his half-hard cock against Neo’s thigh. “Oh, there’s some tingling going on but it’s in a place that’s modestly covered, however, you can check it if you want.”
Reaching between them, Neo unzipped Michael’s jeans and wrapped his hand around Michael’s hardening cock. “Feels perfectly healthy to me.”
Michael moaned when Neo started to stroke him, heedless of who might see. “The sun’s going down. Please let me take off this girly hat.”
Neo’s hand released Michael’s cock and zipped up his jeans. “Come on.”
“If leaving the hat on will get me off faster, I’ll leave the sonofabitch on,” Michael protested as he was led further down the path.
With a chuckle and shake of his head, Neo continued to pull Michael along by the hand. “Where are we going?” Michael asked, feeling like a schoolboy being led to the principal’s office.
Neo led Michael behind an old stone building and stopped. Before Michael could ask, Neo turned him to face the stone wall. “Hold on.”
Michael heard a zipper slide down moments before his own jeans were unzipped and pushed down to his ankles along with his underwear. Neo pulled one of Michael’s legs out of the wad of clothes and repositioned him.
“Perfect,” Neo whispered when Michael was spread with his ass tilted towards the sunset and his hands still gripping the stone wall. Neo rubbed his face against Michael’s neck, inhaling his scent. “Will you let me fuck you in the glow of the setting sun?”
Michael turned his head and captured Neo’s mouth in a deep kiss. “Did you bring lube?”
Neo shook his head and grinned before pulling Michael’s T-shirt over his head. “Do you mind?”
The few times they’d had sex without lube had been fantastic. Michael enjoyed the feel of Neo’s tongue as it applied spit to his hole almost as much as the burn created by Neo’s thick cock pressing into him. “Do it,” he pleaded.
“I’ve been thinking of this since our last blood play,” Neo whispered. He lifted Michael’s curls off the back of his neck and bit, sucking only enough blood to give Michael the shot of adrenaline that usually accompanied Neo’s feedings.
Michael tilted his head forward and moaned. Neo removed his teeth
from Michael’s neck and moved straight down to the area between his shoulder blades. When the tips of Neo’s fangs barely pierced the skin, Michael knew what was coming and welcomed it with open arms. He spread his legs further apart and bowed his back as Neo scraped a path straight down the left side of Michael’s spine.
“So beautiful,” Neo said when he reached the top of Michael’s butt. He spread the cheeks of Michael’s ass and groaned.
Michael could only imagine what he looked like from behind. He felt the blood trickling down his back only to be channelled to the crack of his ass. Neo’s tongue began lapping at the fresh blood as it ran over Michael’s hole. He didn’t know what it was about Neo and being outside, but the fresh air seemed to make his mate kinkier than ever. “How do I taste?”
Neo moaned and opened Michael’s hole with his burrowing tongue. The sensation was incredible, but Michael wanted, no needed, Neo’s cock. “Fuck me.”
After several more thrusts with his tongue, Neo spat into Michael’s hole. He licked his way up Michael’s back, sealing the wounds before pressing himself against Michael’s body. With an arm wrapped around Michael’s chest, Neo guided his cock to the spit soaked hole. “I love you,” Neo whispered as he thrust inside.
“Uuhhhh,” Michael cried as he tilted his head back to rest against Neo’s sturdy frame.
Once Neo was buried balls deep in Michael’s ass, he released the root of his cock to reach around and encircle Michael’s. “Your ass is the only Realm I want to command.”
Michael grinned. “Are you trying to say my ass is yours to boss around?”
Neo began to thrust his cock in and out of Michael’s body. “Commanding isn’t about bossing around. It’s more about protecting and seeing that what you love is taken care of. That’s my job.”
Michael opened his mouth to tell Neo those were the same qualities the Realm needed in a leader when Neo’s cock pegged his prostate, sending Michael’s body into an erotic spasm of epic proportions. He jerked with the intensity of his release, biting down on his own tongue as he painted Neo’s hand and the stone wall with his seed.