Different Suits Read online

Page 8

  Moody turned a corner at the last moment in hopes of throwing the white Monte Carlo off. “Get my phone out of my pocket and call 9-1-1. Tell them we’re heading towards the station,” he yelled again.

  He felt Angelo’s hand reach into the tight pocket of his jeans and dig for the phone. In any other circumstance it would’ve been fun, but Moody knew he needed to drive carefully. With Angelo only using one hand to hang on to him, the danger had escalated.

  Angelo’s voice was barely audible over the thrum of the Harley, but Moody was pleased to hear his lover give details of their position. The car began to inch closer, honking as it neared. What the hell was Blakely trying to prove?

  Within minutes, Moody heard the familiar sound of a police siren headed their way. The jackass following them must’ve heard it too, because the car quickly slowed and turned a corner.

  As much as Moody wanted to turn around and pursue the bastard, he knew he couldn’t. He slowed the motorcycle to a stop and turned to make sure Angelo was still on the phone. “Did you tell the operator they turned?”

  Angelo nodded. “The cops are in pursuit.”

  Moody held out his hand and Angelo passed him the phone. “This is Detective Moody Torrence. Could you give me a call back on this number when you catch the asshole? I need to question him about a case I’m working.”

  Moody hung up the phone and slipped it back into his pocket before climbing off the bike. He took off his helmet and pulled Angelo into his arms. He knew it wasn’t the place for public displays of affection, but he was so grateful to make it out of the situation, he didn’t give a shit who saw him kiss his lover.

  As he sealed his lips against Angelo’s he went to work removing his lover’s helmet. “Are you okay?”

  Angelo nodded and held up his hand. “Still shaking, but I’ll be fine. Do you think they’ll catch him?”

  “I hope so. I’d love to get my hands on him.” He hooked Angelo’s helmet over the handle bar and threaded his fingers through the smaller man’s thick black hair. God, they’d been lucky. One wrong move and they both could’ve been killed. He couldn’t stop touching his lover, moving his hands from Angelo’s hair to his back and finally the tight ass Moody loved so much.

  In the middle of making out like a couple of teenagers, Moody’s phone rang. He broke away from Angelo’s lips with a groan. “Don’t move.”

  “Torrence,” he answered.

  “They apprehended him, Detective. He’s cuffed and loaded in the squad car.”

  “Thanks.” Moody hung up and called Jake.


  “It’s Moody. Our guy in the white Monte Carlo just tried to run me and Angelo over. The patrol guys caught him and are taking him in. I thought you might want to be there when I interrogate his ass.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I take my date home. You owe me, Torrence. I was gonna get some juicy pussy tonight.”

  Moody rolled his eyes at his partner’s description. “You’re a fucking pig, Jake.”

  “Oink, oink.”

  “I’m gonna take Angelo back to his friends. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Moody hung up and handed Angelo his helmet. “Do you think it’d be okay if you went back to Bobby’s? At least until I’m done at the station?”

  Angelo shook his head. “Just drop me off at your place. I don’t want to bother Bobby again.”

  “My place isn’t as safe as Bobby’s.”

  “You see, that’s just it. I don’t feel like I’m in danger. Blakely is starting to remind me of some of the assholes from my old neighbourhood, all talk and no show. He’s yet to try anything physical. Scare tactics is all he’s got, and I’m tired of being scared.”

  Moody slipped his own helmet on, thinking about what Angelo had said. “You’re right.” Shit. What did it mean? Before climbing back on the Harley, he gave Angelo another deep kiss. “You’ve just given me a new way of looking at this case.”

  * * * *

  Jake met Moody at his desk. “Unless you can come up with a reason, we don’t have enough evidence to arrest him.”

  Moody nodded. “I expected that to be the case. I really just want to question him.”

  Jake gestured towards a small room. “I’ve got him in there. I gotta tell you, he’s not too happy to still be here.”

  “I understand.” Jake was telling him they were on thin ice. “You pull up anything on him in the system?”

  “Nope. He’s a mechanic. One ticket for speeding three years ago. That’s about it.”

  “Is he a member of Blakely’s church?” Moody questioned further.

  “We both know he is. It’s not in his file, though, and he’s not talking.”

  Moody read the name on the sheet of paper Jake handed him. “Kyle Rousello. Hmmm, well, let’s go see what Mr. Rousello has to say.”

  Jake followed him into the interrogation room. Moody shut the door and turned to face the man who’d tried to scare the shit out of them twice that day. “Before I begin asking questions, let me just give you a little heads-up. You’re evidently not one of Reverend Blakely’s favourites. Because if you were, Carl would’ve informed you not to take the same car for both your little adventures.”

  “You don’t know anything,” Kyle mumbled.

  Moody leaned over the table, his fists propped on the scarred wood in front of Kyle. He started to talk, but stopped himself and glanced over his shoulder. “Jake? You want to go get our friend a glass of water or something?”

  He winked at his partner, letting Jake know it was all part of the good cop, bad cop they’d played for years. Jake nodded and left the room. Moody returned his attention to the bug-eyed man in front of him. “Now. How ’bout we get down to it? What’s Blakely trying to do with all these stunts?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Hmmm, maybe you’d better think harder.” Moody leant down until he was nose to nose with Kyle. “Because if I don’t get some answers, I’ll be so far up your ass, you’ll have to call me sweetheart.”

  Kyle’s face screwed up in disgust. “Stay the hell away from me, fag!”

  Moody shrugged. “Sorry, choir boy, can’t do that. What I can do is visit you at Ernie’s Garage everyday at lunchtime. I’ll also make sure I send all my ‘fag’ friends by to flirt with you as well, but you’ll be my special honey bear. How do you think that’ll go over with the guys you work with? I might even be persuaded to send you flowers if you perform nicely during our little afternoon trysts.”

  Enraged, Kyle pushed himself away from the table. “Get me out of here!” he screamed.

  Moody quickly moved to block Kyle’s exit. He knew a minion like Kyle wouldn’t be privy to Blakely’s master plan, but there was no way in hell he was letting the guy out the door without giving him something. “How would you like to spend a night in jail? I bet there are all kinds of guys like me. You’d be a tasty little morsel for them.”

  “You’ve got nothing on me.”

  “You’re wrong. I’m a cop. I can get all kinds of things on you. Now, I wanna know why Blakely sent you out, twice, to kill Angelo Pilato?”

  Kyle shook his head back and forth. “N-No. I wasn’t trying to kill anyone.”

  “Really? You drive a car straight for a man watering his lawn and you weren’t trying to hurt him?”

  Kyle continued to shake his head. “I was just supposed to scare him. All Reverend Blakely said was to make sure you were there when I did it.”

  “Why?” Moody demanded to know.

  “I-I don’t know.”

  Moody could see by the fear on Kyle’s face he wasn’t going to give him any more information. Moody stepped to the side and gestured towards the door. “Do yourself a favour, and stay the hell away from Blakely. What you choose to believe is your business, but when you try to push your beliefs onto others through scare tactics, well, honey bear, then it becomes my business.”

  Kyle scurried around Moody like a rat trying to escape from a trap. H
e flew out the door and ran into Jake. Moody’s partner steadied the guy before letting him go.

  After Kyle left, Jake stepped into the interrogation room. “Find out anything?”

  Moody nodded. “I think so. Angelo said something earlier that has me thinking. We’ve got the pamphlets, the graffiti, the bloody dildo, and then the two little stunts Kyle pulled. None of them were meant to hurt Angelo. I think Blakely’s trying to piss us off. Kyle said Blakely told him to make sure I was around when he put the scare into Angelo today.”

  “What good would that do?”

  Moody lifted his hair and rubbed the back of his neck. “What if Blakely’s hoping I go after him? You know, the whole protective boyfriend bit? It would be quite a news story. Fag attacks church official.”

  “But why would Blakely suffer an attack just for a two minute blurb on the evening news?”

  “That’s what we need to figure out. Find out what he was doing in that office building. It has to be connected somehow.” That was the million dollar question. Moody thought back to Angelo’s run-in with Carl Blakely on the steps of the courthouse. Blakely was almost three hundred pounds. Despite the fact Angelo was close to six foot, he shouldn’t have been able to push Blakely to the ground as easily as he did.

  Moody realised Jake was the only one of them who’d seen Blakely in weeks. “How’d he look, by the way?”

  “Who? Blakely?”

  Moody nodded.

  Jake scratched his jaw. “I don’t know, thinner, I guess. I figured getting out of farm country had done his diet a world of good. Why? You think it’s related?”

  “Zero in on the doctors in the building. If I’m right, Blakely’s a patient of one of them. You may not be able to get confirmation that he’s a patient, but I’d like to know the specialities of the physicians. I don’t think he stayed in San Francisco to watch over Angelo, I think maybe he’s here for medical treatment, and fucking with Angelo’s just a side benefit.”

  * * * *

  A cold body pressing against him woke Angelo. He snuggled into Moody and sighed. “Another late night for you. Sorry I didn’t wait up.”

  “No need for you to.” Moody kissed Angelo’s neck as his cold hands began to wander Angelo’s chest.

  “Did you get anything from the guy?” Angelo gasped when Moody’s hand moved down to cup his balls.

  “Can we talk about this later? I’d much rather get my dick warmed up with some of that new lube I bought.”

  Angelo grinned and reached under his pillow. He held up a condom and the new bottle of lube. “I’m one step ahead of you.”

  Moody growled playfully and nipped Angelo’s neck as he took the supplies. Knowing how worked up Moody had been earlier in the evening, Angelo rolled to his stomach. He braced his knees on the mattress and thrust his ass into the air. “How’s this?”

  A loud groan filled the small bedroom, as Moody’s hands began rubbing Angelo’s ass.

  “You look good enough to eat,” Moody commented, a second before a warm tongue ran across Angelo’s hole.

  Angelo’s back automatically arched at the touch. Fuck. Moody did know how to make him feel good. With his head still on his pillow, Angelo buried his face and howled as two fingers shoved their way into his ass. Evidently his lover was more impatient than usual.

  The bite of pain only lasted a moment before bliss reigned supreme. “I can feel it.”

  “Hell, I’d hope so,” Moody said, a chuckle in his voice.

  “Not your fingers, dumbass, the warming gel.”

  Moody continued to prepare Angelo’s hole while he licked and scraped the tender skin of Angelo’s ass with his teeth. “I’ve never wanted to bareback an ass more than I want to at this moment.”

  Angelo glanced over his shoulder. It didn’t matter that he was clean or that Moody was most likely disease and virus free. It was the one promise he’d made his mom when he’d come out of the closet shortly before her death. “Don’t even think about it.”

  A heavy hand landed on Angelo’s butt cheek. “I’m not stupid, but maybe we should think about getting tested.”

  Angelo swallowed. Although he’d made his feelings known earlier in the day, this was the closest Moody had come to opening up about his own. “If you think you can be faithful, then yeah.”

  Moody’s fingers pulled out of Angelo’s ass. Angelo squeezed his eyes shut. Shit. He knew he shouldn’t have said it as soon as it came out of his mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  When Moody didn’t reply, Angelo opened his eyes and manoeuvred to his back. Moody was just sitting there, staring down at Angelo.

  “I didn’t mean to piss you off,” Angelo whispered.

  “You didn’t,” Moody answered. “I guess everything just hit me. Even though it’s very likely you’ll be moving to LA, I wouldn’t hesitate to give you the promise of fidelity.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No. Just a new thing.” Moody ran his hands up and down Angelo’s inner thighs. He shook his head and sighed. “I love you. I don’t want you to go, but I’ll love you whether you do or not.”

  Angelo wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say to that. Why did the job in LA suddenly feel like a curse instead of a blessing? He sat up and crawled onto Moody’s lap. Wrapping his arms around the man he loved, Angelo placed a chaste kiss on Moody’s lips. “I love you, too.”

  He wished he could promise Moody he would stay, but Angelo knew he couldn’t do that just yet. All he could promise at the moment was his heart. He reached down and picked up the forgotten condom. It would be easy to get all sappy and beg Moody to make love to him, but he knew his lover needed something a little more permanent. “Make me yours. Fuck me so hard I’ll never want to leave.”

  Moody’s dark eyes stared into Angelo’s for a moment before he finally grinned. “Turn over and let me brand this ass.”

  Angelo slid off Moody’s lap and positioned himself on his hands and knees. He heard the crinkle of the condom packet and the click of the lube cap as he braced himself for the fucking of his life.

  After quickly lubing Angelo’s hole once again, Moody got to his knees and positioned the crown of his cock at Angelo’s stretched opening. Without waiting, Angelo pushed back, impaling himself. He didn’t stop until he’d worked his way down Moody’s entire length.

  A sharp slap landed on his butt cheek as Moody groaned. Moody rubbed the sore skin with the palm of his hand as he pulled out and thrust back inside. “Gonna tattoo my name on this ass.”

  Angelo shook his head. “No tattoos.”

  Thwack! Angelo flinched, but Moody didn’t even break stride. “You’ll love it. Once you get one, you’ll be begging to get more.”

  Angelo thought of the sexy tattoos decorating Moody’s skin. He knew he definitely wasn’t the kind of guy who could pull off ink, but the thought of him getting one, really seemed to be turning Moody on.

  As Moody’s thrusts increased in speed and pressure, the large hand continued to slap at Angelo’s ass. “God, that’s pretty,” Moody grunted.

  The sting and constant rubbing had his ass tingling. Angelo couldn’t decide if he liked it or not. What he did enjoy was what it apparently was doing to Moody. Who knew he’d fallen for such a kinky bastard.

  Angelo reached under him and wrapped his fingers around his cock. Moody’s next thrust nearly sent him into the headboard. He dropped his head down and used his free hand to put a pillow between himself and the oak slats without Moody ever missing a beat.

  The new position shot Moody’s cock into his ass at a different angle, pulling a moan from Angelo’s lips. “Feels good,” he panted.

  One of Moody’s feet moved to rest beside him as his lover tilted his body to the side, providing yet another angle.

  “Gonna come!” Angelo warned.

  Despite the pillow, the next thrust jammed Angelo’s head against the headboard, hard. “Fuck!”

  Moody’s hand immediately came up to rub the top of Angelo’s head. “Sorry, bab

  The simple gesture pushed Angelo over the edge. His body tightened as the first string of seed burst from his cock, landing on his chest. Thank God Moody took over holding him up because Angelo felt like a jelly fish after the intense climax.

  He was aware of Moody’s groans as his lover’s body jerked behind him moments before a heavy weight landed on his back. Angelo grunted and Moody eventually pulled out and rolled to the side.

  It was several moments before Angelo could breathe well enough to speak. “Consider me properly branded.”

  Moody started to laugh, but ended up coughing instead. Angelo rolled to his side and draped an arm over his lover’s chest. “Aw, did my little ol’ ass wear you out?”

  Moody didn’t even open his eyes. He gave Angelo a grunt and reached down for the soiled condom.

  Taking pity on the big detective, Angelo reached down and took over the job of disposing of the rubber. He crawled out of bed and headed towards the small bathroom. “I’m going to be walking funny for a week,” he groused as he wet a washcloth.

  After cleaning himself, he carried the cloth back into the bedroom and wiped down his lover. His ass still stung. He could just imagine how red it was. He hadn’t dared look at it in the mirror. “So am I going to have to get used to this spanking thing?”

  One of Moody’s dark brown eyes opened. “I was just following orders. You’re the one who told me to mark you.”

  “Yeah, well do me a favour and don’t take me so literally next time.”

  Moody reached down and rubbed the sore skin of Angelo’s butt cheek. “But my handprint looks so pretty on your ass.”

  Angelo leaned in and bit Moody’s chest, his teeth sinking into the skin around his lover’s nipple. “And my teeth marks look sexy on your chest.”

  Moody shrugged. “I’ll get them tattooed there if you’ll get my handprint tattooed on your ass.”

  “Not fair. My teeth are a hell of a lot smaller than your hand.” Even though he’d said it, Angelo could easily picture Moody’s chest sporting permanent teeth marks. He knew it was playful talk, but he wondered if someday they’d be ready to make good on it.