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Liquid crimson Page 7

  Neo nodded and gestured to the chairs in front of the fire. It was a cool winter night and Joseph already had a roaring blaze burning in the large outdoor fireplace. Neo crossed his legs and stared into the flames. The first attack on Michael had come at the hands of an outsider, but this one bothered Neo more because it came from one of his own. “Make sure everyone knows that Rafi is no longer welcome here. Ever.”

  “I figured as much, but I knew it wasn’t my place to issue the order until I received it from you.”

  “Twice I failed to protect Michael.” Neo levelled his gaze on Gunnar. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Can we handle this with our own men or should I bring in additional guards?”

  It was to Gunnar’s credit that he didn’t immediately answer out of pride, but took the time to weigh the security forces already in place versus the potential threats. Gunnar broke eye contact and stood. He walked to the edge of the stone patio, back to Neo and gazed out over the vineyard. “I think we need a few specialised guards, but you’re not going to like it.”

  “Why? What’re you proposing?” The hair on the back of Neo’s neck prickled.

  “My wolves are stretched pretty thin since the LaMont coven decided to target Michael. The cats are good workers, but easily distracted when it comes to holding a guard post.”

  With his hands stuffed into his front pockets, Gunnar turned to face Neo. “I think we need strong guards who are used to functioning at night.”

  Neo’s eyes narrowed. The answer to their problem was the one species he loathed. “Vampires.”

  Gunnar nodded. “I know the thought of bringing vampires into your home turns your stomach, but there are some good, trustworthy men out there who would be perfect for the job. Besides, who better to fight the LaMont coven than one of their own species?”

  Neo’s immediate reaction was no. He’d never liked vampires so how could he trust them to keep his mate safe? However, he believed in Gunnar’s instincts. Despite his personal feelings, in the end, it boiled down to what was best for Michael. “Where would we get these trustworthy vampires?”

  “There are a few who work for the Realm,” Gunnar offered.

  Neo shook his head. “I’d rather not bring the Realm into this. Besides, if I’m going to allow vampires on Le Uve del Regno, I’d prefer to have enough to do the job right.”

  He ran his hands through his hair. The only place to go for help was the Clan of Kildare, the ruling family of vampiric society. “Do you think Ian Kildare will loan me some of his guards? The man can’t stand me.”

  “You’re right and with good reason since you’ve been very vocal of your loathing of his people. However, this is your chance to not only bridge the gap between Kildare’s family and the Realm, but it will be good publicity for the vampires. There are a lot of Blessed Creatures who don’t trust them. It would give Kildare a chance to do something good for the Realm.”

  Neo had met Ian Kildare on several occasions. Before his capture and torture at the hands of Francois LaMont, Neo had actually enjoyed the man’s company. When Ian visited the Realm after Neo’s rescue, Neo refused to see the vampire King, thus creating a rift between the Realm and the Clan of Kildare.

  Dammit. Neo stood and addressed Gunnar. “I’ll see if I can get a meeting with Ian.”

  “And in the meantime, I’ll talk to the guards to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

  Conversation over, Neo went to check on Michael. Neo sat on the edge of the bed and stared down at his mate. Michael’s brow was furrowed in sleep, leading Neo to wonder what the man was dreaming of. He smoothed his thumb tenderly over Michael’s forehead until the worry lines relaxed. Before leaving the room, Neo placed a soft kiss on Michael’s plump pink lips.

  He found Joseph in the study trying to clean away the mess Neo had made earlier. Neo cleared his throat and waited for Joseph to look up. “I’ll take care of the rest,” he told his long-time employee. It was as close to an apology as he would come. He wasn’t sorry he’d lost control and destroyed the room. It was that or risk running out into the sunlight after his mate, but he didn’t expect Joseph to clean up his mess.

  “It’s my job, Your Highness,” Joseph answered.

  “Thank you but not this time.” Neo ushered Joseph out of the room by throwing him a cookie. “I would imagine Michael will be hungry when he wakes from his nap. Perhaps you could make him some of the chicken parmigiana he likes so much.”

  Joseph scowled, knowing full well what Neo was up to but left anyway. Once he was alone, Neo stood in the centre of the room and closed his eyes. He didn’t use his fae powers often, but he really needed the room put back to rights before he summoned Ian Kildare.

  Concentrating on the memory of the room before his tantrum, Neo’s skin broke out in gooseflesh as the magic swirled in an iridescent light around him. When he opened his eyes, Neo sighed, satisfied. He picked up the phone and stared at the keypad. “Okay. Now for the hard part.”

  * * * *

  Michael dressed in a pair of black silk pyjama bottoms and one of his white undershirts after Joseph had delivered his dinner. He’d told Joseph before that he didn’t need to bring food to him, he was perfectly capable of eating in the kitchen with him, but Joseph wouldn’t have it.

  Carrying the tray into the kitchen, Michael set it on the counter. “That was fabulous. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” Joseph said with a smile.

  Michael started to walk out of the kitchen. “Neo in the study?”

  “Yes, but His Highness is in a meeting at the moment.”

  Michael turned to regard Joseph. “A meeting? With who?”

  “A vampire by the name of Ian Kildare, his head of security and Gunnar.”

  “Ian’s here?” Michael smiled. He hadn’t seen Ian in quite a few years, but he liked the King very much.

  “Thanks,” he called as he ran back to his bedroom to change. He pulled on a pair of jeans and an indigo blue dress shirt before tying his hair back at the nape of his neck.

  Approaching the study door, Michael pressed his ear against the carved wood, listening for any arguments. It was widely known Neo and Ian didn’t get along, so why was he here? With a deep breath, Michael knocked on the door.

  Gunnar opened the door and stared down at Michael. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Good. Joseph said Ian was here. Do you think it would be okay to come in and say hi?” Michael asked.

  “You know the King?” Gunnar questioned.

  “Yeah, why, does that surprise you?”

  “Who is it, Gunnar?” Neo asked.

  Gunnar stepped back and opened the door for Michael to enter the room. “Michael. He’d like to say hello to King Kildare.”

  Michael glanced at Neo to make sure he wasn’t overstepping. “Do you mind?”

  Neo rose and crossed the room to Michael’s side. “Not at all. Have you eaten?”

  “Yes,” Michael lied. Although he’d tried to eat the wonderful meal Joseph had prepared, he couldn’t stomach more than a couple of bites. He’d ended up flushing the majority of his dinner down the toilet to save Joseph’s feelings.

  “It’s good to see you again, Michael,” Ian said, joining them.

  Michael dipped his head in reverence to Ian’s position. “Good to see you, too.” Michael glanced around the room. He spotted Ramiro Delgado and knew it wasn’t an ordinary meeting. Ramiro rarely, if ever, left Kildare Castle. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Neo put his arm around Michael’s waist and kissed the top of his head. “I’ve asked Ian for help in protecting you.”

  Michael was stunned. He knew what it had taken for Neo to go to the vampires for help. “Do you think that’s necessary?”

  “Yes,” Ramiro said from his position by the fireplace.

  As the Clan of Kildare’s head of security, Ramiro answered to no one except Ian. Michael had only met the handsome Spaniard on one occasion and that had been enough as far
as he was concerned. Gruff didn’t begin to describe the six-foot six-inch man. Ramiro had picked up the nickname Ram over the years. Michael supposed it had something to do with the fact Ramiro was always butting heads with the other vampires in the court.

  Michael looked up into Neo’s eyes. “I really don’t think we’ll see Rafi again. Please don’t go to all this trouble.”

  Neo pulled Michael against his chest. “Rafi is only one problem we have to keep an eye out for. There are four vampires left in Francois LaMonts’ coven. If what Liam told you is true, we should expect attempts on your life from the other four.”

  Michael shook his head. “I’ll go crazy if you surround me with guards every time I step outside. How am I supposed to paint with someone staring at me? And what about my daily runs?”

  “During the daylight hours, we only have Rafi to worry about. I think if we position Gunnar’s guards along the path, you should be fine. However, after dark, you will not be allowed outside without an escort,” Neo explained.

  Michael’s first reaction was to stomp his foot but since he rarely ventured out at night without Neo anyway, it didn’t seem like such a hardship. He nodded his head in acceptance of the new restrictions. If Neo could welcome vampires onto the vineyard for the sake of Michael’s safety, he would try to follow the new rules. “How many of your men will you be stationing here?” Michael asked Ian.

  “Ten, including Ramiro,” Ian answered.

  Michael’s gaze swung, once again, to the handsome Spaniard. “Ramiro’s staying?”

  Ramiro finally stepped towards Michael. “I welcome the opportunity to put an end to LaMont’s coven. They are abominations as far as I’m concerned.”

  “But they’re vampires. Like you,” Michael commented.

  “They’re nothing like me!” Ramiro growled. “They are weak minded. They have to be to follow a man like Francois. He was a sadistic sonofabitch who believed in pain instead of praise. The four who are left are like rabid dogs left without a Master to cage them.”

  Michael’s eyes rounded at the vehemence in Ramiro’s words. Ian’s head of security always struck Michael as the strong-silent-type.

  “Just so we’re clear,” Gunnar jumped in, staring straight at Ramiro. “You are in charge of your men, but I am in charge of security for Le Uve del Regno. Decisions concerning Michael or Neo go through me. Understand?”

  Ramiro’s black eyes narrowed to mere slits as he took a step towards Gunnar. The two men stared at each other for several moments, neither of them backing down.

  “Enough,” Ian said.

  Neo stepped forward to diffuse the tense situation. He placed a hand on Ramiro’s and Gunnar’s shoulders. “The two of you will have to work together. Remember, Michael’s life is at stake as well as putting an end to LaMont’s coven.”

  When neither man broke eye contact, Neo moved between them, facing Gunnar. “Please. I need you to work with Ramiro. We need him.”

  Gunnar stared at Neo for several moments before giving his boss a sharp nod. “Very well.”

  Michael released the breath he’d been holding. “Would anyone care for a glass of wine?”

  * * * *

  The following evening, Neo stood on the patio with the fireplace at his back. He needed to feed the newly arrived guards from the Clan of Kildare before they started taking bites of his employees. “Joseph,” he called.

  Joseph appeared in the doorway. “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “See that a case of Liquid Crimson is delivered to Ramiro Delgado for his men.”

  “Very well.”

  “Joseph,” Neo said once more before Joseph could leave. “Make arrangements for more donors. We’ll be feeding ten vampires instead of one. And send Michael out as soon as he’s finished dinner.”

  When Joseph didn’t answer, Neo turned to look at his butler. “Something wrong?”

  “Master Michael isn’t eating well, Your Highness. I just thought you should know,” Joseph explained.

  “What do you mean he’s not eating well?” Michael hadn’t mentioned not feeling well.

  “I’ve seen him hide his food. He obviously doesn’t want me to know that his appetite seems to be diminishing.”

  Neo nodded. “Thank you for telling me.” Joseph left and Neo settled into one of the chairs by the fire. It was possible Michael didn’t need as much food as he used to. Each time Neo drank from his mate, they both became more energized.

  “Hey,” Michael greeted, coming out onto the patio.

  Neo opened his arms. “Come sit with me by the fire.”

  Michael straddled Neo’s lap and leant in for a kiss. Opening immediately, Neo accepted his lover’s tongue, savouring the taste of the sweet and spicy spaghetti sauce still clinging to Michael’s mouth.

  Neo pulled back and smiled. “You taste like tomatoes and garlic.”

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said, covering his mouth.

  Shaking his head, Neo chuckled and removed Michael’s hand. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I had pasta and sauce? Kissing you is the closest I’ve come in centuries.” Neo gave Michael another deep kiss. “And I love it.”

  Michael wiggled his hips, pressing his ass against Neo’s hardening cock. “What else do you love?”

  Neo unbuttoned Michael’s shirt and ran his hands over his mate’s leanly muscled chest and stomach. “I love this nipple right here,” Neo said, kissing Michael’s chest. “But not as much as I love this one.” Neo moved to the left nipple and scraped his teeth over the pebbled nub before soothing the pink disk with his tongue.

  “Mmm,” Michael moaned, arching his back. “Do that again, only harder this time.”

  Neo took the plea to heart and scraped his fangs down the skin of Michael’s neck to his chest, nicking the pebbled nub before pulling back. He groaned as rivulets of blood trickled down to paint Michael’s pink nipple red. “So sexy. So delicious.” Neo lapped hungrily at the warm blood, savouring the taste of the man he loved.

  Michael grabbed Neo’s hair and pulled his head back. “Bite me,” he growled.

  Lust, stronger than he’d ever experienced, enveloped Neo in a cocoon of need. Suddenly he couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. Michael’s shirt was ripped from his body and thrown to the patio as Neo carried his lover to the grass. Watching the blood continue to drip from the wounds inflicted earlier, Neo licked his lips. “You look good enough to eat.”

  Michael reached down and fumbled with his jeans until he had them off. “So eat me already.”

  Neo’s chuckle turned into a moan as he stared down at the pulsing cock between Michael’s legs. His gaze zeroed in on the dark blue vein at the top of Michael’s thigh. Gods he wanted to sink his teeth in and never stop drinking. Neo knelt between his mate’s legs and bathed Michael’s balls with his mouth before licking a path down to the tempting vein.

  Michael splayed himself further apart and pressed Neo’s face against the juncture of his thigh and groin. “Do it,” he groaned.

  After a teasing scrape of his teeth, Neo sliced through the skin to the nectar within. Blood, sweeter than Liquid Crimson pumped into his mouth as he sucked, leading Neo to thank the gods once more for their precious gift. He used his nails to scrape the skin on Michael’s ribcage, bringing gooseflesh up on Michael’s skin.

  The smell of the fresh blood filled the air as Neo licked the wound on Michael’s thigh to seal it. “Thank you,” he whispered as he always did after Michael fed him.

  Neo sat back on his heels and shook his head. At some point during the feeding, Michael had come. The proof of his mate’s climax was splattered over Michael’s chest, mixing with the blood. The combination of his two favourite things was too much to ignore. Neo reached down and removed his cock from his pants and wrapped his hands around its girth. “Is this for me?” he asked, drawing his tongue through the thick pools of cum and blood.

  Before Michael could answer, Ramiro appeared. The visitor cleared his throat. “You’re sending my m
en into a frenzied-state. I realise this is your home, but I can’t expect them to just ignore the smell of Michael’s blood when it so prominently fills the air.”

  Cock still in hand, Neo narrowed his eyes and tried to cover Michael’s nude body from Ramiro’s steady gaze. “I will kill anyone who dares to touch him.”

  “I understand that, Your Highness. I’m simply asking you to take him inside. At least until he stops bleeding,” Ramiro added.

  Michael reached up and ran his hand down Neo’s cheek. “Take me to bed.”

  Neo brushed his nose against Michael’s. “Anything you want, love.” He glanced back up at Ramiro. “Turn away so I can get him inside.”

  Ramiro grinned but turned and walked away.

  Neo stood and tried to stuff his erection back into his pants before bending over to scoop Michael off the grass. “You’re a beautiful mess.”

  Michael chuckled. “Then I’m sure I’ll look even more beautiful before our night’s over.”

  * * * *

  Michael waved to Haig as he made his third trip around the vineyard.

  “It’s a hot one today,” Haig said from his post.

  “Sure is. Feels great,” Michael answered without breaking stride. Although the winter months were normally cold and grey, he’d awoken to sunshine. Instead of wearing his usual workout pants and jacket, Michael opted for shorts and a thin, sleeveless T-shirt.

  “You might want to take a break,” Haig called after him. “You’re starting to look a little pink.”

  Michael waved off Haig’s concerns. He was only planning one more lap on his daily jog so it would be pointless to stop and cool down before he finished. As his feet ate up the dirt track he’d worn through the grass, Michael’s thoughts turned to Neo.

  It had been a week since the vampires from the Clan of Kildare had come to the vineyard. Michael was surprised Neo handled the proximity as well as he did. He’d even shared a glass of Liquid Crimson with Ramiro the previous evening. Michael held no illusions that the two men would become good friends, but getting to know a vampire who was nothing like Francois LaMont was good for Neo.