Liquid crimson Page 6
Kern disappeared and was quickly back, T-shirt in hand. He pulled the faded red shirt over his head as he neared Michael. After tilting Michael’s chin up and removing the makeshift ice pack, Kern grunted. “Well, at least he wasn’t trying to kill you. A weretiger could crush the side of your head in with one good punch.”
“That’s a nice visual,” Michael mumbled, putting the steak against his cheek once more.
Kern looked down, his piercing green eyes staring into Michael’s. “I’m saying, you should use that information when you talk to Neo. It might be enough to save Rafi’s life, but then again, if I were Neo, I’d track Rafi down and fillet him with my bare hands.”
Michael glanced at Haig. The two of them hadn’t mentioned their fear of Neo’s reaction, so how did Kern know? He started to ask, but Kern beat him to it.
“For us, it’s a natural instinct to kill what threatens our mate.” Kern glanced over Michael’s shoulder to Haig. “I’m lucky my mate is as strong as I am, but it doesn’t matter how strong or weak a mate is, the instinct is still there.”
Kern returned his attention to Michael. “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll make you a cup of tea.”
“Do you have any wine?” Michael asked. “Sorry, but I think I could use some right now.”
Kern grinned. Despite the scar running down the side of his face, the man was incredibly handsome. “Sure thing.”
Before Kern left the room, Haig pulled him into a kiss. Watching the two heavily muscled men in a passionate lip lock was sexier than hell. Michael was forced to adjust his hardening cock in his jeans.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes with Gunnar,” Haig said, breaking the kiss.
Kern watched Haig until he was out the door before retreating to the kitchen.
“How long have the two of you been together?” Michael asked when Kern handed him a glass of wine.
“We grew up together, but we didn’t actually mate until we were seventeen.” Kern took a seat in the chair across from the sofa. “We recently celebrated our four hundred and twentieth anniversary.”
“Damn. What do you get someone for that? I mean, it goes way beyond silver or gold.”
Kern chuckled and stood. Turning his back to Michael, he lifted the tight T-shirt over his head. A tree, complete with branches, leaves and roots covered Kern’s entire back. Michael’s gaze shot to the lower portion of the tattoo.
The roots were barely visible above the waist of Kern’s shorts. How far down did the roots extend?
“No, I’m not dropping my shorts,” Kern said, with an admonishing expression. “We started with a single root and have been slowly building it piece by piece each year. We’re onto the leaves now. Hopefully we’ve both got enough room for at least another four or five hundred of them.”
Michael set down his glass and stood, mesmerised by the intricate black and white design. The added leaves, in varying shades of green made the tattoo appear three-dimensional. The artist in him yearned to trace each root, each branch. “That’s fantastic,” he whispered in a reverent tone. “How did you ever come up with the design?”
Kern pulled his shirt back down and walked to the bedroom, coming back with a very old book. “This is the book of our ancestors. They worshipped the great oak.”
Michael studied the inked drawing of a giant oak tree in the front of the book. He shook his head. “Thank you so much for sharing this with me. Haig has one, too, right?”
“Yes. A fae in Ireland is the artist. He’s magnificent. Haig and I travel north every year to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Am I to guess that’s where you’re from?” Michael asked, resuming his seat on the couch.
“Do you still have family there?” Michael wondered what it would feel like to have a history like those around him. Of course he had Spiro and now Neo, but he didn’t even know if he had family or ancestors. Spiro had always just told him he’d been a gift of the gods.
“No.” Kern’s entire demeanour changed. “I’d better get dressed in case we run into trouble.”
The abrupt change in Kern surprised Michael. He watched the werewolf stride from the room with purpose. Michael had a strong suspicion that purpose was to get the hell away from him. Why did he have to ask so many questions?
He picked up the frozen steak and put it against his cheek once more. The action hurt like hell. It seemed his face was becoming more sensitive as time ticked by. Now, not only did he have to worry about Rafi coming back to finish the job and Neo’s reaction to their altercation, but the fact he’d made Kern angry with him.
Deciding it would be better to wait outside, Michael stood and carried the wrapped steak back to the freezer. It was still pretty frozen, so he figured it would be okay to eat. He glanced around the warm home once more before opening the door and stepping out onto the porch. Michael considered sitting on the swing, but he no longer felt right about invading Kern and Haig’s home.
For the first time since he’d come to Le Uve del Regno, Michael realised he was the odd man out. He had no people, no history and no business poking into the lives of others, even out of friendship. The wolves already had a pack. They didn’t need him asking stupid questions.
“What the hell are you doing out here by yourself?” Gunnar yelled, running towards him with Haig on his heels.
“Where’s Kern?” Haig asked.
Michael gestured towards the house. “I think I made him mad. I didn’t mean to, I swear.” Michael shook his head and started in the direction of Neo’s house. “I’m sorry, Haig. I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’ll go tell Neo myself.”
“Don’t you dare take another step,” Gunnar growled.
Although Gunnar wasn’t his alpha, Michael almost dropped to the ground and bared his throat at the command. Damn. How did the man do that?!
“Why’re you out here?” Kern asked, coming out onto the porch.
“We’ll talk about it later,” Haig mumbled.
Gunnar stomped over and tilted Michael’s chin up, his eyes narrowing as he took in the damage wrought by Rafi’s blow. “How does it feel?”
Michael opened his mouth to downplay his injury, but before he could get the words out, Gunnar shook his finger. “Remember I can smell a lie.”
No way. Was there anything Gunnar couldn’t do? “It hurts,” Michael confessed.
Gunnar stared at Michael for several moments. “Did Rafi threaten you?”
Michael thought back to the confrontation. “He was angry.”
“That’s obvious. What. Did. He. Say?” Gunnar asked, releasing Michael’s chin.
Michael swallowed around the lump in his throat. “That someday I really would be sorry.”
Gunnar stepped back and took a deep breath. “Joseph just called. Neo’s tearing his study apart because he can’t get to you.”
“I should go then,” Michael said.
Gunnar glanced back at Haig and Kern. “No. Let me try to calm him down before he sees you. You can wait outside the house with these two.”
Michael looked at Kern. Although the man no longer appeared angry, his mood had definitely changed since Michael had asked the question about his family. Michael leant forward to whisper in Gunnar’s ear. “I’m not sure Kern wants anything more to do with me.”
“That’s not true,” Kern said.
Michael rolled his eyes. Of course Kern had to hear him. Most of the Blessed Creatures had hearing like The Six Million Dollar Man.
“I didn’t mean to make you think that,” Kern continued. “My family just isn’t up for discussion. Ever.”
Michael nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll remember that.”
Gunnar physically turned Michael towards the main house. “Enough stalling. Let’s go.”
“You’re a pushy bastard,” Michael grumbled as he was prodded up the path by his friend. He almost called him Fido, but thought better of it with the other two guards in tow. It was one thing to tease Gunnar when they were alone,
but doing it in front of Gunnar’s men wasn’t an option.
* * * *
“What the hell is taking them so long?” Neo yelled.
“I wouldn’t know, Your Highness,” Joseph replied, picking up the pieces of a broken lamp.
Neo stormed out of his study and into the informal living room. The sun was starting to set, but it would be another thirty minutes before he could venture outside to find his mate. Gunnar had assured Neo that he would find Michael and bring him to the house, but he was tired of waiting. He reached for the doorknob that led outside. With the cut glass fixture in his hand, Neo took a deep, calming breath. It was worth it to him to suffer the pain of sunburn, but he suddenly realised Michael would feel it as well, just as Neo had felt the pain his mate had experienced earlier.
Before he could make his final decision, the knob in his hand turned. Neo stepped back and Gunnar quickly stepped into the house.
“I found him at Kern and Haig’s place. He’s okay,” Gunnar said, attempting to assure Neo.
“Where is he?” Neo asked with barely restrained rage. “I specifically gave you orders to bring him to me.”
“And I did. He’s just outside with Kern and Haig.” Gunnar put a hand on Neo’s shoulder. “However. We’ve been friends long enough for me to know you’ll scare him in this state. You have to calm down or he’ll be afraid to come to you with a problem in the future.”
“Don’t tell me how to deal with my mate!” Neo bellowed.
Gunnar’s eyes narrowed. “I’m trying to save your ass. So shut up and listen to me.”
Neo’s fangs dropped at the reprimand. “Bring Michael in or prepare to die,” he growled.
The door behind Gunnar opened and Michael rushed into the room. “That’s enough!” Michael turned and pointed at Gunnar. “I appreciate your help, but you will not speak that way to him.”
Gunnar opened his mouth to argue, but Michael shook his head and opened the door, gesturing for Gunnar to leave. “You’re one of my best friends, but I won’t let you ruin the relationship you’ve built with Neo over this. Now, please leave so I can try to calm this situation down before it gets even more out of hand.”
Gunnar’s gaze broke from Michael to stare at Neo. “Call me when I’m needed.”
Neo nodded. Fighting with his head of security wouldn’t keep Michael any safer, in fact, it could possibly have the opposite effect.
Gunnar gave Michael and Neo a short nod before leaving the house.
Michael shut the door and turned towards Neo. “And you,” he levelled his gaze on Neo, “will calm the fuck down. I’m fine. I was hit, yes, but nothing’s broken.”
Neo barely waited for Michael to finish the sentence before pulling him into his arms. He’d been so worried he couldn’t speak. For the first time since he’d awoken, his skin no longer felt like it wanted to separate from his body. He buried his face against Michael’s neck and inhaled the scent of his mate.
Without waiting for permission, Neo bit into the familiar smelling flesh. The blood that poured into his mouth wasn’t as sweet as it usually was, confirming to him Michael was in more pain than he would lead Neo to believe.
Michael tilted his head to the side and threaded his fingers through Neo’s hair. “I’m okay,” Michael whispered.
Neo withdrew his fangs and sealed the cut with a quick swipe of his tongue. When he pulled back to look down into the gorgeous face he’d come to love even more than his beloved grapes, he was shocked. Neo ran a hand down the side of Michael’s face. “You’ve healed.”
Michael’s blond brows drew together as he also reached to touch his cheek. “That must’ve been some bite.”
It was further evidence the two of them were meant to be together. Although it was widely known a vampire’s blood could heal a person, as far as Neo knew, a vampire’s bite didn’t. “We are truly connected,” Neo said in awe.
Michael grinned and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Neo’s chin. “I tried to tell you that.”
Neo bent down and scooped Michael off the floor and into his arms. As he carried his mate up the staircase, he lovingly lectured Michael. “See? Had you come to me straight away, you would not have had to suffer for so long.”
“I see that now, but I was afraid.”
“You thought I would hurt you?”
“No, but I’m still worried about what you might do to Rafi,” Michael explained.
Neo almost dropped Michael before he reached the bed. In his haste to reassure himself of Michael’s well-being, he’d almost forgotten about the man who had hurt Michael in the first place. His arms tightened as he thought about Rafi laying a hand on Michael. “So it was Rafi?”
Michael hit Neo’s chest with his fist. “Put me down. You’re about to break my ribs.”
Neo settled Michael onto the mattress. “Why did he strike you?”
“He’s hurt, Neo. People do stupid things when they get their heart broken.”
Listening to Michael try and defend Rafi’s actions didn’t sit well with Neo. Perhaps he needed to remind his mate exactly where his loyalties should lay? With a tug, he tore off his shirt, sending buttons flying. “Are you attracted to him?” he asked, unzipping his pants and pushing them off.
“What? No,” Michael said with a shake of his head.
Naked, Neo reached down and began undressing Michael. In his haste to once again stake his claim, Neo flipped Michael over without even bothering with his mate’s shirt. “You’re mine,” he growled, pouring lube down the crack of Michael’s ass.
“I know that,” Michael squeaked as Neo entered him without taking the time to stretch him.
Neo grabbed Michael’s hips and drove his cock in as deep as he could. With his balls nestled against Michael’s body, Neo bent over and nipped Michael’s shoulder blade. He pulled Michael to the edge of the bed.
Michael tucked his knees under himself, lifted his ass even higher. “Only you,” Michael groaned.
The new position allowed Neo to plough even deeper into Michael’s hole. He rimmed the stretched skin that surrounded his cock with his finger. “Your body was made for my cock,” he reminded Michael.
“Is that all I was made for?” Michael asked, glancing over his shoulder.
Despite his need to drive in and out of Michael’s body, Neo could see the mixed emotions in his mate’s expression. Once again, Neo leant down, only this time he stretched out to Michael’s mouth, sliding his tongue between Michael’s lips. He plundered Michael’s mouth as he ground his cock into Michael’s hole.
Breaking the kiss, Neo licked his mate’s bottom lip. “You fill my heart with sunshine,” he whispered against Michael’s lips.
Obviously pleased with the sentiment, Michael smiled, the sparkle returning to his eyes. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Neo bit Michael’s neck once more, scraping his fangs over the skin before he sliced through it. Never again would he have need of the Liquid Crimson he’d spent so many years developing. All he needed was this man under him.
Neo had sampled Michael’s special blood nightly since tasting it for the first time weeks earlier. Unlike humans, Michael’s blood seemed to replenish itself within hours. The increased production allowed Neo to drink from his lover as often as he wished. He licked the wounds shut before standing to his full height.
“Thank you,” Neo said to Michael and the gods. With a hand to Michael’s back, he pressed his mate’s torso down on the bed and began to move. He slid his cock out before surging back in, delighted at the lustful groan that erupted from Michael. “Harder?”
“Yessss,” Michael hissed.
The taste of Michael’s blood still clung to his tongue as he began a hard, fast rhythm, delighting in Michael’s verbal responses.
“I’m yours… Yes… Fuck me!” Michael cried, reaching between his legs to stroke himself.
Michael’s body gripped Neo’s cock each time he tried to pull out, before relaxing again as Neo surged back in. If it weren’t for
the healing power of Neo’s bite, he had no doubt his young mate would be bruised by the intensity of the fucking. The realisation that he didn’t have to make love to Michael with kid gloves was a huge turn on.
What would his workers say if Neo stripped Michael and fucked him in the vineyard at will? Did he care? Le Uve del Regno was his home, his property. There was no one to say what he could or couldn’t do on land that he’d owned for centuries. If the weres who worked for him didn’t like it, they could pack their bags. Suddenly, a whole new world seemed to open for Neo. The idea that the two of them could engage in sex at will, fuelled Neo’s lust.
He scraped his short nails down Michael’s back. “Love fucking you.”
Michael cried his release as his body clamped down on Neo’s cock. Neo reached under Michael and gathered the cum from his lover’s hand before lifting it to his lips. One by one he licked his fingers clean as his body prepared to fill his mate’s ass with his seed.
“Mine,” he growled once more as he erupted, shooting deep inside Michael. His body bucked as the climax continued, forcing some of the spent semen to drip out of Michael’s hole to the sheet below.
Still buried inside Michael, Neo collapsed on top of him and rolled them both to their sides. He licked the back of Michael’s neck as his body slowly calmed.
“You can bite me again if you need to,” Michael mumbled sleepily.
Neo kissed Michael’s neck before moving his head to rest on the pillow. “I’m well fed. Why don’t you take a nap before dinner?”
Michael grunted and within moments, Neo heard a soft snore coming from his mate. He continued to hold Michael for several minutes before carefully pulling out and away. Dealing with Rafi would best be done while his lover slept.
Chapter Six
Showered and dressed, Neo opened the back door. He stepped out onto the stone patio and went to stand beside Gunnar. “I figured you’d be out here.”
“What can I say, I’m a glutton for punishment.” Gunnar rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. “Rafi’s gone, by the way.”