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Liquid crimson Page 5
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Page 5
Spiro shrugged. “His blood is holy. To a vampire, it would mean certain death. I warned you.”
“Yes, but I thought…” Neo gazed down at Michael. “It isn’t burning me the way it did Liam.”
“Because you love him. I told you that as well,” Spiro reminded him.
“I’m fond of him, but I’m afraid to love him,” Neo admitted.
Spiro chuckled. “Afraid or not, you love him. If you didn’t you would have drained him by now. I see the way your hands shake. The fact that you haven’t given in to your desires for his blood is proof of that love.”
“Will I be able to heal him?” Neo asked.
“Of course.” Spiro once again put his hand on Michael’s head. “It isn’t his body that is hurt, it’s his spirit.”
Spiro stood, his gaze still on the man he’d raised. “If you insist on staying here, I think I should send some of my guards to double the protection.”
“It wasn’t my guards’ fault Michael was hurt. It was mine. Thank you for the offer, but I’ll take care of my mate.”
“I’ll send my spies to find LaMont’s four remaining minions.” Spiro bent and placed a kiss on Michael’s brow. “He’s my world. Brother or not, if you fuck up again, I’ll fight you to the death.”
“I mess up again and I’ll bow to your sword.”
“As long as we’re clear.” Spiro disappeared on another breeze.
* * * *
The sound of running water woke Michael. He opened his eyes to find himself in Neo’s bathroom, but more importantly, in Neo’s arms. “What’s happening?”
Neo smiled down at him. “I thought I’d give you a bath before I put you into bed.”
“But this is your bathroom.”
Neo nodded. “And with your permission it will be my bed you sleep in from now on.”
Memories of his time in the cave came flooding back, along with the confrontation in the study. “Why now? What’s changed?”
Balancing Michael on one arm, Neo turned off the faucet. He climbed into the oversized bathtub with Michael cradled against his chest. Once he had them settled in the warm water, Michael nestled between his legs, Neo sighed. “Me. I’ve changed.”
Despite his pounding headache, Michael turned to straddle Neo’s lap. “Why are you shaking?”
“Because the monster in me wants to consume you.” Neo closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the marble tile. “I’m…sorry.”
Michael brushed the silky strands of hair away from Neo’s gorgeous face. It was yet another side of Neo that Michael hadn’t seen before. In the cave, Michael told himself he’d play hard to get if Neo came looking for him, but staring at him now, Michael knew he couldn’t do it. “I’ve fallen in love with you. Not just parts of you, but all of you. You may think of yourself as a monster, but I don’t. What happened to you was horrible, but it doesn’t mean you have to pretend that part of you doesn’t exist, or that it’s bad.”
Neo cupped Michael’s cheek. “How can you say that? Do you have any idea what that monster wants to do to you right now?”
Michael leant in and whispered against Neo’s lips. “Do you love me?”
Neo closed his eyes and nodded his head.
“My blood was designed for you. It’s yours as much as it is mine.” He tilted his head to the side, bearing his neck. Michael had known the day would come when he’d gladly submit to his mate. Of course he’d assumed it would happen in a moment of passion, but he realised it was better this way.
“I give my blood to you freely,” he whispered, still waiting for the bite he knew would come.
Neo surprised Michael by kissing his neck, following it up with a long lick. “I won’t hurt you.”
“I know you won’t, but I really want you to fuck me, and we can’t do that until you get yourself under control.”
Neo wrapped his arms around Michael’s waist and stood. As the water ran off their naked bodies, Neo took Michael’s mouth in a deep kiss. “Not here.”
Michael buried his face against Neo’s neck, peppering soft kisses to the olive-toned skin as Neo took the time to gently dry him off. The moment was tender, something Michael hadn’t expected. His love for the man deepened with each caress of the towel.
“Did you miss me?” Michael asked. It was probably a lame question, but he needed to know.
Neo carried Michael into the bedroom and carefully set him on the mattress, pulling the covers over both of them. “I thought you’d run home to Spiro. It wasn’t until Gunnar set me straight on your feelings…”
“It’s okay,” Michael said, running his hand over Neo’s sculpted chest.
“No, it isn’t. I thought you were trying to trick me into loving you,” Neo admitted.
“Why would you think that?” Michael’s hand travelled down to the short nest of curls surrounding Neo’s cock. The length of his chosen mate’s hard cock brushed against the back of his hand, giving Michael an erection.
“I know you believe I should step up and take my place as leader of the Blessed Creatures.” Neo pressed his cock against Michael’s hand.
Michael grinned and wrapped his fingers around Neo’s cock. “Whether or not you choose to lead is your business. If you do, I’ve been trained to do all I can to help, but if you decide the vineyard is the right place for you, I’ll still love you.”
Neo rolled over to cover Michael with his glorious body. “I’m afraid I want too much. For the first time in my life I’m in love. What if I screw up?”
Michael wrapped his legs around Neo’s waist, releasing his hold on Neo’s cock in order to get closer to the man. “Then I’ll call you on it and we’ll move on.”
Grinning, Neo ground his cock against Michael. “I don’t deal well with being reprimanded.”
“That’s because you’re a ruler. I promise if the time comes, I’ll do it in private.”
Although Neo had professed love, Rafi still sat in the back of Michael’s mind. “And Rafi? Are you finished with him?”
Neo sighed and closed his eyes. “Forgive me. My time with Rafi was the only way I knew to stay away from you. I didn’t know Rafi had feelings for me.”
“You only had to look into his eyes to see what he felt for you.”
Neo shook his head. “I was blind to everything but my need for you and it didn’t sit well with me. But don’t worry. I’ll make amends to Rafi.”
Although he worried Rafi’s presence at the vineyard would always be a temptation to the man he loved, Neo’s explanation went a long way in soothing Michael’s pride. He once again bared his neck. “Now, bite me so we can fuck.”
Several moments went by and still no teeth sank into his flesh. Michael was about to say something when he felt the pierce of Neo’s fangs. He gasped as a heat like no other moved through him. The longer Neo drank from him, the more energized Michael felt which didn’t make sense.
With a final moan, Neo licked Michael’s neck, sealing the wound. It wasn’t until that moment Michael realised Neo’s cock was buried balls deep inside of him. “How…?”
“Very carefully,” Neo said with a chuckle.
Michael hitched his legs higher around Neo’s waist as the bigger man’s cock began to move in and out of him. He stared into the breathtakingly handsome face and couldn’t believe a man as great and powerful as Neo would want him. No, Michael reminded himself. Neo had said he loved him.
The slow lovemaking would have been perfect if only Michael could get the image of Neo fucking Rafi out of his head. Michael knew from overhearing the two men this was different. Rafi was a screamer, there was no doubt about it, but Neo had also been quite vocal as he fucked the weretiger.
Should Michael take Neo’s silence to mean he was disappointed in the way Michael felt surrounding his cock? As he continued to ponder the question, Neo’s thrusts remained slow and steady, pushing deep before pulling out until only the crown remained inside Michael’s body, but still not a word.
“Do you not desire me t
he way you did Rafi?” he finally asked.
Neo paused in a downward thrust and braced himself on his hands to lift up and stare into Michael’s eyes. “Why would you ask such a question?”
Michael bit his bottom lip, wishing he could take it back. “Never mind.”
Neo narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “Answer me.”
With a heavy sigh, Michael let his legs fall to Neo’s sides. “I’ve heard you fuck before, remember? I know what you sound like when you’re really enjoying yourself, and I’ve heard the things you say during sex.” Michael took another deep breath, the weight of Neo’s stare getting to him. “But you aren’t doing those things with me.”
Neo’s head tilted to the side. “I’m trying to make it about more than just fucking with you. I wanted it to be special. When I fucked Rafi, it was all about me and what I wanted, but I can’t be that way with you.”
Michael reached up and smoothed Neo’s black hair out of his face and behind his ears. “It sounded to me like Rafi was enjoying himself whether you meant to please him or not. I won’t break, ya know. Don’t change because you think I want it.”
Neo turned his head to kiss Michael’s hand. “No more talk of Rafi. He is in the past, you are here with me now and forever.”
Although Michael doubted it would be possible, he nodded his agreement. Just because he never spoke of Neo’s time with Rafi, didn’t mean he’d forget it.
With a devilish grin, Neo plunged deep. “Was this your subtle way of telling me you need more from me?”
“I need everything you’re willing to give me.” Michael wasn’t talking only about the sex, but that was another thing Neo didn’t need to know yet.
Neo clasped Michael’s wrists and lifted his hands to the headboard. “Hold on.”
With no bars to actually grab, Michael spread out his hands and braced himself against the sleek wooden headboard as Neo nearly doubled him in two with each hard, quick thrust. It was more than he’d been expecting but no less satisfying. Michael cried out each time Neo’s cock hit his prostate.
Trying hard to concentrate on breathing through the overwhelming pleasure, his cock exploded with release before he was even aware of what was happening to him. Neo didn’t even slow as Michael’s stomach and chest were covered in cum. It was impossible for Michael to get enough air into his lungs as Neo continued the assault on his ass. Please don’t let me die the first time I make love to my mate, Michael prayed.
When his vision started to get spotty, Michael finally released the headboard and placed his hands on Neo’s chest. He needed to tell his new lover to slow down but he lacked the oxygen such a statement would require. Holy fuck what did I wish for?
All at once, Neo’s features appeared strained. Neo dropped to Michael’s chest and sank his teeth into the soft flesh of Michael’s neck as his body jerked with his release.
Like before, the longer Neo drank, the more revitalised Michael felt. By the time Neo sealed the wound, Michael’s lungs had returned to normal function.
Neo nuzzled his face against Michael’s neck and sighed. “Never has an experience meant so much to me,” he whispered.
“For me too, but would you do me a favour next time?” Michael asked, feeling bold.
“Certainly,” Neo answered.
“Bite me earlier. I thought I would suffocate at one point.”
Neo rose up enough to look into Michael’s eyes. “I hurt you?”
“No, well, yeah, kind of, but it was only the intensity of your lovemaking. Please don’t change that part. I loved it. It’s just that something happens when you drink from me. Instead of feeling weaker, I get stronger.”
Neo’s eyebrows drew together. “I’ve never heard of that.”
“Neither have I, but I know how I feel.”
“Hmmm, we’ll have to investigate your theory in another thirty minutes or so. Forgive me for the time lag, I’m an old man compared to you.”
Thirty minutes? The only lover he’d ever had was good for once a night. Michael closed his eyes, hoping he’d survive his new mate’s sexual prowess.
Chapter Five
The next several weeks passed in newly mated bliss as far as Michael was concerned. He’d found the more Neo fed from him, the less sleep he needed. Although he still went to bed with Neo before the sun rose, he was generally up and jogging within a few short hours.
As he strolled down the path towards the basketball court on the backside of the dormitory, Michael kept his eyes open. The security had been doubled and someone was usually within earshot, but it didn’t hurt to try and take care of himself when he could.
Michael was halfway to the dormitory when he heard a rustling in the nearby bushes. “Who’s there?”
Rafi stepped onto the path in front of Michael. “It’s me.”
It was the first time Michael had seen Rafi since his rescue from the cave. “I haven’t seen you around lately,” Michael said.
“I had to go away for a while, but I’m back now.”
Michael waited for Rafi to say more, but when nothing came, Michael gestured towards the dormitory. “I was on my way to watch Gunnar play some basketball.”
Although it would be polite to invite Rafi to join him, Michael didn’t feel like it. He wasn’t sure social etiquette extended to the ex-lover of your mate. With a nod, Michael tried to go around Rafi, but the weretiger stepped in front of him once again.
“He’ll tire of you,” Rafi said.
“That’s your opinion,” Michael snapped. “I’m sorry you were hurt but that’s between you and Neo.”
Rafi actually growled, in his own tiger-like way. “It’s because of you Neo ended our relationship.”
Michael sighed. He really didn’t want to get into a pissing contest with a man who could tear him apart. Maybe it was best to placate Rafi so he could go about his business. “I’m sorry. For all of it.”
The hand to the side of Michael’s face came out of nowhere. Michael fell to the ground from the force of the blow.
“One day you really will be sorry instead of insulting me with your platitudes,” Rafi hissed before storming off into the bushes from where he’d appeared.
Michael reached up and covered his stinging cheek with his hand. He carefully moved his jaw from side to side, hoping no serious damage had been done. Shit. Once again he was in a position of not knowing what to do. Michael and Neo had become so closely bonded, there was no doubt Neo had felt the slap as soon as it had happened. Fortunately, Neo would be unable to leave the house for at least another hour.
Michael was still sitting on the path, stunned, when Haig, one of Neo’s trusted guards, came towards him. He quickly tried to hide the side of his face by getting to his feet and turning to the side.
“What’s going on up here?” Haig asked. “I could smell the anger from my post.”
Was Haig the answer to his prayer, or would the werewolf insist on taking him to Neo? “Can you keep a secret?” Michael asked Haig.
“Sometimes. Depends on what it is.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Well, at least you’re honest.” He stood there for several moments before turning to face Haig. The large man’s blond eyebrows shot to his hairline. “What happened?”
“Someone hit me, but I can’t go back to the house looking like this.” Michael took a step forward. “I know my mate, and I won’t have someone die because of a simple disagreement. If I can get some ice on it maybe it won’t look so bad by the time I see Neo.”
Haig’s eyes narrowed. He lifted his head and began sniffing the air. “If it was Rafi who hit you, I doubt it was a simple disagreement. Besides, it doesn’t matter how hard he hit you, the fact that he did it at all will seal his fate in Neo’s eyes.”
Michael didn’t need to ask how Haig knew that. It was widely known around the winery that Michael had only recently replaced Rafi in Neo’s bed. It was still a sore spot with Michael, but he’d been getting better at controlling his hurt and jealousy over the
weretiger. “But you agree with me on Neo’s reaction if he finds out?”
“Of course. I have my own mate, and I know what I’d do to anyone who dared lay a hand on Kern.”
“Rafi’s hurt and confused. He shouldn’t have to die because he acted out of those feelings.” Michael took another step. “I just need some ice and a place out of sight until the swelling goes down.”
Haig put his hands on his hips, drawing attention to his broad muscular chest. “I can take you to my home, Kern’s there, but I have no choice but to report this to Gunnar.”
“Okay.” Maybe Rafi would realise what he’d done and flee the vineyard before Neo found out.
Haig turned and started down the path with Michael right behind him. Instead of continuing down to the dormitory, Haig made a right towards the small stone-fronted houses built for mated Blessed Creatures.
Michael followed Haig up the steps to the front porch. Although the houses weren’t big or fancy like Neo’s, there was a charm about them that very much appealed to Michael.
When Haig opened the front door, the interior was just as homey as the exterior. “Kern,” Haig called out.
“Hang on,” a deep voice said from beyond the open floor plan of the living room and kitchen area.
Kern stepped into the room wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. “I smelled the two of you coming, so I ran in to throw some clothes on.”
Haig cleared his throat. “You’d better put on a shirt, too. I’ll probably be in enough trouble for bringing Michael here, no sense in pushing my luck.”
“What’s going on?” Kern asked.
Michael didn’t know Kern as well as some of the other guards. Except for Haig, Kern tended to keep to himself. Michael wondered if the scar running from Kern’s forehead straight down to his collarbone had something to do with it.
Haig crossed to the kitchen and opened the freezer. “Evidently Rafi’s come back.” Haig pulled out a large paper wrapped steak, the kind Michael had seen the local rancher deliver, and carried it back into the living room along with a dishtowel. “Here.”
Michael took the meat and wrapped it in the towel before carefully placing it against his cheek. He winced at the pressure against his sore face but knew he had to get the swelling down, already his eye felt puffy.