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Liquid crimson Page 2
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Michael took his wine, making sure to not touch Neo’s fingers and sat in the offered chair. How could Neo call what he felt nothing? It had been everything, even if just for a second. He took a gulp of the dark liquid, shaken. “I’ve never felt anything like that.”
Neo looked at Michael, one black brow rising as the corners of his mouth lifted. “That’s because you’ve never met me before.”
Michael almost choked on his wine. He couldn’t tell if Neo was joking or not. Did everyone have the same reaction to Neo’s touch? For some reason, the idea didn’t sit well with Michael. He glanced back and caught Neo staring at him, into him. Would he ever be able to read Neo? When Neo turned his head to once again look out the window, Michael tried to think of something else to say. “It’s my birthday.”
Neo’s gaze swung back to Michael. “Yes, Spiro told me. It’s the reason I invited you in for a glass of wine.”
Sitting back in his chair, Michael tried to concentrate on the drink in his hand. Either Neo didn’t like him or he wasn’t much of a conversationalist. Michael decided he’d be better off just keeping his mouth shut.
When his glass was empty, he stood. “Thank you for the wine.”
“You’re quite welcome. I hope you’ll come to appreciate the extraordinary wines we produce at Le Uve del Regno.”
“Yes, sir, I’m sure I will. I’ll, uh, take the glass to the kitchen on my way to bed.” Michael started towards the door when Neo stopped him.
“Please call me Neo. So few do.”
“Okay, Neo. Thanks again.”
“My bedroom adjoins yours. Because I sleep during the day, if you desire my company, you’ll need to get accustomed to my hours.”
Michael stood in the centre of the room, wondering what the hell that was supposed to mean. Was Neo asking him to stay up through the night and sleep during the day, or was he offering Michael a place in his bed?
Though it probably should have frightened him, the thought of sleeping with the gorgeous man sent shivers down Michael’s spine that travelled around his hip and straight to his groin.
“Goodnight, Michael,” Neo said, taking the decision out of Michael’s hands.
“Goodnight, Neo. Thank you for letting me stay.”
“You should thank my brother, not me.”
Michael left the study more confused than ever. One thing was clear. If he wanted to lighten Neo’s spirit, he’d first have to figure the man out.
Chapter Two
Before dawn broke, Neo held a meeting with the top members of his security staff. Gunnar, the alpha of the pack of werewolves was his first in command.
For the first time, Neo realised how handsome the man was, and not just Gunnar, but all the men. He’d specifically interviewed and chosen each one based on their loyalty, strength, and sexual orientation. He suddenly wasn’t sure that he wanted anyone in the room to look after Michael while he slept. “First of all, let me make it perfectly clear. Under no circumstances are you to touch Michael in any way, unless it’s in the process of protecting him.”
Haig, one of the wolves snickered. Neo spun around, but before he could reprimand the guard, Gunnar had already done it for him with a backhand across the face. Haig knew better than to challenge his alpha and immediately dropped his gaze to the floor, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket to hold over his bleeding nose.
Neo looked at the blood totally unfazed. The reason he’d chosen to surround himself with were creatures was simple. Theirs was not the blood he craved. Hating the part of himself that drove him to drink blood in order to survive, Neo prided himself on never biting to feed. He had a well-paid staff of donors who came in weekly to donate.
Joseph served Neo’s daily meal in a wine glass. It was one thing to have to drink the blood of others, quite another to feel like a savage while doing it. Returning his attention to Gunnar, Neo leant forward. “I’d like you to show Michael the winery if he asks. No one else.”
Gunnar’s head tipped to the side. “Don’t you trust your own men?”
Neo rubbed his chin, pulling to mind a vision of Michael. A more perfect specimen of manhood he’d never seen. When his soon-to-be mate had entered the study earlier, it was all he could do to stay seated. He couldn’t even retrieve a wine glass for Michael without showing his very obvious arousal. Michael’s pale blue eyes reminded Neo of the sky on a summer day. His golden mane of curls begged to be fingered, and Neo’s hands had itched to do just that. But it was Michael’s body that called to him most of all. Muscular was not a word he’d use to describe Michael. The young man looked almost…frail. Although Neo was sure Michael was healthy, he wondered if a strong wind might blow the man away.
“I don’t trust anyone to be around Michael and not want him, even myself,” Neo added, when he realised Gunnar was still staring at him.
“That hot, huh?” Gunnar teased as they often did with each other.
Without thought, Neo reached over and grabbed the werewolf by the neck. “He is mine.”
Gunnar’s hands shot out in a gesture of surrender. “Sorry. I was just kidding,” Gunnar wheezed, his airway restricted by Neo’s hand.
Neo released his friend and sat back. “You can kid all you want, but not about Michael.”
Neo looked around the room at the wolves and cats. Each species had guards and workers amongst them. The werecats could easily take on any one of the wolves if they so chose, and probably win, but they had long ago pledged their allegiance to Neo and Gunnar.
“For the time being I’ll station Sema outside Michael’s door at night. I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to try and get past him.” Neo smiled thinking of his six-hundred and eighty pound black Siberian tiger. For him, Sema was more of a house pet, but he knew the cat made an intimidating guardian.
“How long will your guest be with us?” Gunnar asked.
“Indefinitely.” Neo hated keeping secrets from Gunnar, but one slip of the tongue could do serious damage. The gods took their gifts seriously and if word got out he’d been presented with a mate created specifically for him, Michael would never be safe.
The sun was creeping above the horizon, when Neo excused himself. He called Sema away from Michael’s door and entered his own suite of rooms. After undressing, he opened the door between the two bedrooms and gazed at Michael.
Sometime during the night Michael had kicked his covers off. He crept into the room, wanting, no, needing a closer look at his mate. He stepped to the side of the large bed and perused Michael’s nude body. Gods but he’s magnificent. The sun-bronzed colour of Michael’s skin stood out in stark contrast to the blond, almost white curls.
Neo felt his body responding to the perfect being sprawled on the bed. He longed to reach out and stroke the soft skin of Michael’s flaccid cock presently lying against the sun-kissed thigh.
Without thought, Neo reached down and wrapped his fingers around his own hardened cock. As much as he wanted to crawl over the top of the much smaller body, Neo knew he could not. The blood that pumped through Michael’s veins called to him like no other ever had. Spiro’s words came back to haunt him. Neo shook his head. He couldn’t risk both of their lives for a fuck, no matter how incredible he knew that fuck would be.
Michael’s eyes opened and the sexy little sprite smiled. “Like what you see?”
Neo stepped back and released the hold on his cock. “Excuse me.” He turned to leave, but Michael jumped out of bed and caught up to him before he reached the door.
“Don’t go,” Michael begged. He ran his hands down Neo’s back. “It’s been so long since anyone’s looked at me like that.”
Neo didn’t dare turn around. The smell of Michael’s blood was intoxicating. “Just because I want you, doesn’t mean I’ll take you,” he explained.
Michael’s hand snaked around Neo’s hip to encircle his cock. “I bet I could persuade you.”
Grinding his teeth together, Neo reached down and removed Michael’s grip. The younger man’s asses
sment of Neo’s control was accurate. There was no doubt Michael could easily persuade Neo with a few more sensual touches, but it was up to Neo to keep Michael at bay, for both of their sakes. “You don’t know what you’re doing. Unless you want to find yourself at the other end of my fangs, I’d suggest you stay away from me.”
Without waiting for a reply, Neo strode into his room and shut the door, sliding the bolt into place. By the time he made it to his bed, his body had begun to shake with unfulfilled need. Slipping under the covers, Neo rolled to his stomach and ground his erection against the black silk sheets, a picture of Michael in his mind.
“What have you done to me?” he cried to the gods as he continued to hump the mattress. The silk sliding against his cock felt as soft as he imagined Michael’s body to be.
The physical stress his body endured as he picked up speed, alerted Sema that something was wrong with his master. Large paws landed beside Neo’s torso as a loud growl sounded, Sema biting at the air. Without breaking stride, Neo reached back and thumped Sema on the nose. “Lay down,” he commanded, though his voice was nothing more than a series of pants.
“Michael,” he cried as he spasmed, spilling white pearls onto the black sheets.
Neo collapsed to the side of his cum spotted sheet, and closed his eyes. Hadn’t he been through enough torture in his life? Perhaps he would have to seek his release with Rafi, the weretiger alpha, until he could trust himself to touch Michael.
* * * *
With his ear pressed to the wall, Michael grinned as he heard Neo call out his name. He’d had no doubt his soon-to-be lover would pleasure himself after the teasing Michael had given him. He should probably be ashamed of his wanton behaviour, but when he’d opened his eyes to see the gorgeous man standing over him with his cock in hand, he couldn’t resist.
An unseen hand tugged at Michael’s ear until he was forced to turn away from the wall. Spiro shook his head. “That is not the way to my brother’s heart.”
Michael shrugged. “He shouldn’t have come in here flashing that magnificent…”
Spiro held up a hand, stopping Michael from going further. “He may be many things, but ultimately, he is a man. If you continue to put yourself on display, he will look.”
“I was hot,” Michael whined. “This house is like an oven. How was I supposed to know he’d come in.”
Spiro grinned and kissed Michael’s forehead. “You know what you have to do. You’ve been trained for many years to help Neo lead when the time comes, but that will never happen if he doesn’t fall in love with you.”
“Why is it so important that we love each other? I’d let him fu…make love to me without all the mushy stuff.”
Spiro held up his hands and sighed. “Why must I continue to have this conversation with you? The gods have forbidden the two of you to mate until Neo learns how to love again. Without love in his heart, he is not the kind of king the Blessed Creatures need.”
“But how do I make him fall in love with me if I can’t touch him?” Michael asked.
“You don’t make him fall in love with you. You let him fall in love with you. Be yourself, be kind, and most of all don’t be afraid of him, no matter what. That is the way to my brother’s heart.”
“Okay. I’m sure I’ll have blue balls by the time that happens though.”
Spiro’s hands flew to his ears. “I’m not listening to this.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “You’re such a prude.”
“No I’m not. I just don’t care to listen to my son talk about sex with my brother. It’s…icky.”
Michael laughed and gave his father a hug. Neo wasn’t really his uncle and he would never think of him in such a way, but Spiro would always be his father. “I miss you already.”
“And on that note, I’ll leave you alone to start your day.” Spiro started to step back, but paused. “You might have better luck if you start getting your body used to keeping Neo’s hours. He doesn’t have a choice in the matter, you do.”
Michael bowed. “Yes, Father.”
“Smart ass,” Spiro chuckled before vanishing.
Still grinning, Michael dressed in his jogging gear which consisted of a simple pair of nylon shorts and running shoes. He left the bedroom determined to run at least five miles.
Turning the corner, he ran into a huge man with blond hair. “Excuse me,” he said. “Do you live here, too?”
“Yes. I’m Gunnar. Neo’s head of security.”
“Oh, nice to meet you, Gunnar. I’m Michael.”
“Yes, I know who you are. Neo assigned me to be your shadow during the day.”
“Really?” Damn. He was going to have this hot guy following him around. Cool. “You run, Gunnar? Because that’s what I’m getting ready to do. I try to get in at least five miles a day.”
Gunnar smiled. “That depends. Do you have a problem running alongside a wolf?”
“You can change, just like that? I thought werewolves only changed during certain phases of the lunar cycle.”
Gunnar chuckled. “I’m over eight hundred years old. You don’t think I’ve learned a thing or two during that time?”
Michael clapped Gunnar on the back and headed for the door. “We’re gonna get along just fine.”
“Yep. As long as you don’t touch me in front of Neo.”
Michael paused with his hand on the doorknob. “Why’s that?”
Gunnar walked towards him, removed Michael’s hand from the knob and opened the door. “Because Neo threatened to rip my head off if I or anyone else touched you.” Gunnar grinned and removed his clothes, turning his back on Michael when he removed his jeans. He twisted the jeans and shirt into a circle and tied them at the ends. Michael was confused until Gunnar shifted into a large white wolf right before his eyes. The magnificent wolf stuck its head through the ring of clothing and wore them like a necklace.
“Cool trick.” Michael lifted his leg and rested it on the porch railing. As he stretched, he watched Gunnar pace back and forth. “You know, you make a very handsome wolf. Perhaps you’d get more dates in that form. At least you wouldn’t ruin things by opening your mouth.”
Gunnar barked and snapped at him.
“Keep it up, Fido, and I’ll tell Neo you tried to bite me,” Michael laughed and took off down the steps.
He found a dirt path that wound around the outskirts of the vineyard and just barely into the trees. “This must be your stomping grounds, huh?” he asked Gunnar.
The wolf barked a reply, easily keeping up with Michael. “You’re all right, you know that?” Michael acknowledged his new friend. As he set a steady stride he let his mind wander. It was his favourite part of running. Getting the opportunity to let go and allow his mind free reign kept him centred.
A rabbit off to his right moved in the brush. “Ooh, you see that? Better go grab you a snack.”
Gunnar barked again, but Michael could see the wolf eyeing the brush as they ran. “You know you want to,” he continued to tease.
He was almost disappointed when Gunnar refused to rise to the bait. He finished his run and slowed to a walk. “You gonna change, or make me talk to myself the rest of the afternoon?”
“Have you always been a pain in the ass or just since you came here?” Gunnar asked.
“Shit!” Michael’s hand flew to his chest. “Way to sneak up on a guy.” He started to turn around but caught a glimpse of a very naked, very aroused Gunnar and turned back. “Uhhh, you can get dressed now.”
“Sorry about that. It’s a natural side-effect of shifting, but I know not everyone’s comfortable with it.”
Michael shrugged as he heard a zipper slide into place. “Nothing wrong with getting a boner, I just doubted you wanted me staring at it.”
Gunnar chuckled. “By the way, kid, a word to the wise. You may get away with calling me Fido, because I know you’re just kidding, but I wouldn’t try it with any of the other wolves. Their sense of humour isn’t the same as mine.”
sp; “Hmm, sensitive are they? I’ll have to remember that.” They walked in companionable silence for a long stretch. “So what’s that used for?” Michael asked, pointing to a massive round stone building.
Gunnar veered off the path towards the building. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
Michael walked to the left and just behind Gunnar. He had no doubt the man was the alpha of his pack. The wide expanse of his chest and shoulders tested the seams in his T-shirt, while his body tapered down to perfectly trim hips.
“Stop lookin’ at my ass,” Gunnar admonished.
Red faced, Michael mumbled, “But it’s such a pretty ass.” He moved his attention to the building in front of him. “So, you haven’t told me what this is.”
Gunnar opened the ornately-carved set of double doors. Michael stepped into the room and sighed. “Shit, it must be at least twenty degrees cooler in here.”
“Twenty-seven,” Gunnar corrected after checking the thermometer on the wall. “This is the wine tasting barn. We have groups out occasionally to sample the wines for mass distribution.”
Michael looked up at the heavy wooden beams. “This place is awesome. Maybe I’ll start sleeping out here at night.”
Gunnar chuckled. “The boss does tend to keep the house a little warm, doesn’t he?”
“Damn, I thought it was just me. What’s up with that?”
Shrugging, Gunnar led Michael out of the building and shut the doors. “I think it has something to do with him being a vampire. He’s always cold. I heard Joseph tell Neo it wouldn’t be as bad if he’d drink blood like he’s supposed to.”
“What do you mean like he’s supposed to?” Michael knew what it looked like when vampires fed from their donors by watching Daniel dine. “Does Neo have a particular human he feeds from?”
“No,” Gunnar said, shaking his head. He looked around the area before continuing. “I probably shouldn’t be talking to you about this, but I doubt you’ll ever find out from Neo.”
Gunnar motioned to a bench under a shade tree. “See that building way down there with the red roof?” Gunnar asked, pointing off into the distance.