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Hell On Wheels Page 7

  Lu’s grin grew into a broad smile. “Good for him. It’s nice to hear he’s pulled the stick out of his ass.”

  “He’s always been very nice to me,” Joshua growled in Michael’s defense.

  Cory watched as the realization of who he’d snapped at hit Joshua. The young man flinched when Lu reached toward him.

  Lu chuckled, obviously enjoying Joshua’s reaction to the move. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” Lu rested a hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “How long have you been in The City?”

  “Almost a month,” Joshua mumbled.

  “Where’ve you been staying?” Cory asked.

  “Wherever I can. I wasn’t supposed to be here this long, but…” Joshua shrugged. “It hasn’t worked out that way. My dad is living in Old Town, and Michael refused to give me permission to go there.”

  “As well he should,” Lu agreed. “Let me call Draco. He’s in need of a project. The man has been bored shitless lately.”

  Cory glanced at Tao. “Do you think Nelson will try again tonight? I really need to go to work.”

  “He can’t do anything if he can’t get through the door.” Tao leaned over and gave Cory a kiss, pushing his tongue into Cory’s mouth.

  Cory responded by rubbing Tao’s tongue with his own before breaking away. “You won’t do anything to get yourself hurt, will you?”

  Tao cupped Cory’s cheek in his big hand. “Hurting you is far more painful than anything Nelson could do to me.”

  “Thank you.” Cory practically swooned at Tao’s words. He needed to tell Tao how deeply he’d fallen in love with him, but he knew it wasn’t the time or place. Instead, Cory settled for another deep kiss.

  Lu hung up his cell phone and stood. “Draco is expecting us.”

  Cory’s stomach rumbled. “Can we run through a drive-thru on the way over?”

  * * * *

  Despite Joshua’s apparent innocence, Tao continued to put himself between Cory and the boy. It wasn’t only a matter of Cory’s safety, but his mental well-being. Tao hated the guilty expression that crossed Cory’s face every time he glanced at Joshua.

  Standing on Draco’s front porch, Tao tucked Cory under his arm, holding his lover as tight as he dared. He only knew Draco in passing, but he still couldn’t get over the changes in his appearance since the first time he’d met him as Bruga. Gone were the physical scars from the handsome man’s face, but Tao had a strong feeling Bruga’s internal scars were still very much part of Draco.

  The door opened and Draco nodded before gesturing for them to enter. Dominic had already called Lu several times and while Tao was taking his shoes off, Lu’s phone once again began to play Bad to the Bone.

  “Please, have a seat,” Draco offered, ushering them into the living room. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No thank you. We had something on the drive over,” Cory answered, sitting in one of the chairs.

  Tao immediately dropped to sit cross-legged on the floor beside Cory’s chair.

  Lu snapped his phone shut and sat in the opposite chair. “As I told you on the phone, we need help locating a man living in Old Town.”

  “How long has he lived there?” Draco asked, straightening the pleat of his expensive black dress pants.

  “A little more than a year,” Joshua answered.

  Draco’s dark eyes narrowed. “How long has he been in The City?”

  “Same,” Joshua added.

  Draco rubbed his long slender fingers over his lips in thought. “That’s unusual. Your father must hold a great deal of darkness within his soul.”

  “If he does, it’s because of me,” Cory said.

  “No,” Joshua jumped in. “Other fathers have lost their sons and not resorted to stalking the perpetrator in the afterlife. I’m hoping if I can talk to him, I can relieve some of his hatred. But so far, I haven’t been able to get close enough. Each time I’ve tried, he’s lashed out at Cory.”

  Draco turned his attention to Lu. “And what does your brother have to do with this?”

  Lu looked at Joshua. “Evidently, Michael has taken a liking to Joshua. He sent him here for a different purpose. Joshua wants to age his appearance. In order to do that, he needs his father to release the image of the innocent boy of seventeen he’s holding onto so strongly.”

  Draco nodded. “Well, Joshua, you’re welcome to stay in my home until we can resolve the situation with your father. I am wondering, however, if it would be possible for me to discuss something with Michael directly?”

  Joshua glanced at Lu, who shrugged. “I’ll have to ask Michael.”

  “Very well. Until I speak with him, I won’t venture into Old Town, so I would suggest you ask him nicely.”

  “So where does that leave us?” Tao asked.

  “At a stand-still until I speak with Michael.” Draco glanced around the room. “Although there are several things I need to speak privately with Michael about, I would like for you all to join us for the majority of the conversation.”

  “Count me out,” Lu replied. “I know my brother. He’ll hedge on a meeting if he knows it involves me.”

  Draco nodded. “Just get us that meeting.”

  Chapter Six

  On his break, Cory sought out Tao. As usual, his boyfriend was standing at the door, arms crossed, showing his powerful muscles to anyone who dared challenge him. Cory pressed against Tao’s back and nipped his shoulder blade.

  “If anyone knew just how sweet you really are, they’d be pushing you to the side to get through.”

  “That’s why they’ll never know,” Tao growled.

  “You’re just a big ole Teddy Bear. Luckily, I’m the only one who gets to snuggle with you at night.”

  Tao spun around and chuckled as he picked Cory up off his feet and into his arms. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect,” Cory said with a smile. “I’m on break and thought I’d sneak over for a few kisses.”

  Tao grinned. “Nick and Dominic are right when they call you their sprite. It used to piss me off, but I get it. You’re like a ray of sunshine in this place.”

  Cory grabbed Tao by the back of the head and pulled him into a deep kiss, swirling his tongue around the interior of Tao’s mouth. “Flatterer.”

  “Two hours and then you’re all mine,” Tao growled.

  Cory bit his bottom lip. He hated to douse Tao’s ardor, but he had a message to deliver. “Sorry, but first we have to go to The Between for a meeting with Michael. After that, I’m all yours.”

  “After that it’ll be morning,” Tao grumbled, setting Cory on his feet.

  “You don’t have to go.” He’d already asked so much of Tao. It was obvious the big guy was becoming irritated.

  Tao shook his head. “I do have to go. Whatever affects you, affects me. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t rather take you home and have my way with you, though.”

  Cory gave Tao a quick smooch. “Hold that thought.”

  “Hey, where’re you going?” Tao called as Cory walked off.

  Cory turned around and blew Tao a kiss before seeking out Nick. “Hey.”

  Nick turned and set his Guinness down. “What’s up?”

  Cory leaned an elbow on the bar. “Tao’s getting grouchy. Is there any way you could relieve him at the door for twenty minutes so I can take him to the back?”

  Nick grinned. “I’ll watch the door, but you know you don’t have to go to the back. Look around you.”

  “I’m on the clock,” Cory reminded Nick.

  “So am I, but I don’t let that stop me whenever Galen or Baz come around shaking their tail feathers.”

  Cory glanced over his shoulder towards the door. If he were completely honest, he didn’t like the idea of sharing something so private. It wasn’t that he was a prude, he just never had something as special as what he and Tao shared.

  “I think I’d rather use the storeroom if that’s okay?” he finally asked.

  Nick laughed. “There’s a blanket in the basket on the shelf.”

  Cory nodded. “I’m gonna go get it ready. Send Tao back in five minutes.”

  Nick reached into his pocket and removed a small tube of lube, tossing it to Cory. “You might need that.”

  Cory was shocked his boss carried lube, but then the way Nick was with Baz and Galen… Cory figured it must come in handy. “Thanks.”

  He weaved through the crowd to the large storeroom and dug his keys out of his pocket. He was going through them when someone grabbed him from behind. One moment he was struggling and the next he was lifted off the ground and a rag was pressed against his face.

  As he fought to remain conscious, Cory thought of Tao and what he would or wouldn’t find when he made it to the back of the club.

  * * * *

  Tao had just let four more people enter Ice Water when there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Nick, grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

  “Cory asked me to watch the door while he let you fuck him out of your grouchy mood.”

  Tao’s brows rose. “Now?”

  “Yeah. Well, as soon as you get your ass back to the storeroom.”

  Tao’s cock hardened in anticipation. As he made his way through the crowd, he refused to make eye contact with the club’s patrons. The stupid low-rise leather pants did nothing to hide his desire for the man he loved.

  By the time he reached the back of the club, Tao was breathing heavily, the tip of his cock barely concealed. He grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it but nothing happened. Tao tried knocking.

  “It’s me!” he yelled. When the door didn’t open, he used his fist to pound against the gleaming white door. “Cory!”

  The longer he stood there, the more nervous he became. Tao turned and scanned the room. He spotted Dominic and Lu on the dance floor and ran toward them. “I need your keys to get into the storeroom. Cory was supposed to be there, but the door’s locked and he’s not answering.”

  Tao rubbed at the tightening in his chest as Dominic fumbled around in his pocket for the keys.

  “I must’ve left them upstairs in my office,” Dominic said, coming up empty.

  “I don’t need them.” Lu took off with Tao and Dominic in tow.

  With a wave of his hand, Lu opened the door and flipped on the light switch. Tao’s stomach lurched when they realized the room was empty.

  “Nelson didn’t get by me,” Tao growled, leaving the storeroom. He went to the back door.

  “Dammit!” he yelled, punching the steel door when he spotted the broken lock. Tao pushed his way out into the alley and started running.

  * * * *

  Opening his eyes, Cory started at the site that greeted him. He was in what appeared to be, a young boy’s room. Bile rose in his throat as the realization of his abduction sunk in. Was Nelson so tormented by the past that he was still living in it?

  “Nelson?” he called out, struggling against the rope that secured him to the small twin bed.

  He heard footsteps against a hardwood floor moments before the door opened. “You’re awake.”

  Cory nodded, and glanced at his bound hands and ankles. “These are tight. Would you please loosen them? I won’t try to escape.”

  It wasn’t an escape tactic. Cory honestly had no plans of running away from Nelson. The City was only so big, and dealing with Nelson now meant he could try to put his past behind him once and for all.

  Nelson shook his head. “I can’t do that.” Nelson looked around. “This is Joshie’s room.”

  “It’s a nice room,” Cory commented.

  “He picked out these colors. I told him he’d get tired of the red, white and blue theme, but he never did.” Nelson ran a hand over the deep blue wall beside him. “He wanted to be an Air Force pilot. Did you know that?”

  Cory shook his head. “No, sir.” Although Cory had apologized to Nelson before the trial, he needed to do it again.

  “I’m sorry for what I did. I haven’t had a drink since.”

  Nelson’s head snapped toward Cory. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “No. I just needed to tell you.”

  Nelson slammed his fist against the wall. “This isn’t about making you feel better!”

  * * * *

  Tao paced back and forth on the green grass of The Between. Had he been in such a serene setting in normal circumstances, perhaps he would have taken the time to appreciate the grass he hadn’t seen in so long, but he had other things on his mind.

  “Where is he?” he growled.

  “Patience,” Draco said.

  Tao rubbed his hands over his face. “Do you really think Nelson took Cory to Old Town?”

  “I do,” Draco stated, reaching over to rub Joshua’s back. “You okay?”

  Joshua shook his head. “I don’t understand why you need to speak to Michael before we go after Cory.”

  “Because once you enter Old Town, you won’t be allowed back in Heaven,” a deep voice said from behind Tao.

  Tao spun around and came face to face with the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on. Michael’s snow-white wings were tipped in the same brown as his hair color, creating a stunning affect. He couldn’t explain his reaction, but Tao immediately found himself on his knees, bowing to the winged Archangel.

  “Stand,” Michael ordered, his expansive wings settling into place behind his back.

  Tao managed to get to his feet, but still found himself without words. The sword sheathed against Michael’s waist was intimidating to say the least. Besides the billowing white knee-length skirt, Michael wore nothing but battle gear. The Archangel’s broad chest was bared to Tao’s gaze, having an unwelcomed affect on Tao’s cock.

  Tao closed his eyes and dropped his chin as shame assaulted him. Not only was he looking at one of God’s warriors with lust, but for a brief moment, he’d almost forgotten why he was there in the first place.

  Tao felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced up to see Draco’s handsome face.

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Beauty is one of Michael’s weapons and he wields it with the same precision he wields his sword.”

  Tao couldn’t help but notice the erection pressing against the front of Draco’s black dress pants. Draco always appeared in control, so if he was affected by Michael’s beauty, the Archangel must have some powerful mojo on his side.

  “What’s happening, Joshua?” Michael asked.

  “It’s my dad. He’s worse than I thought. He’s determined to hurt Cory, and now he’s taken him to Old Town.”

  “Nelson doesn’t have the power required to vanquish Cory’s soul, so what do you think he wants from him?” Michael turned and began pacing, his hands clasped behind his back tucked under his wings.

  “I think he wants Cory to suffer like he’s suffered,” Joshua answered.

  “Cory’s already doing that,” Tao cut in. “He lives with what he did to you every moment of every day, and always will.”

  Joshua bit his bottom lip and nodded. “I know. If I could make it stop, I would.”

  Draco stepped in front of Michael, causing the Archangel to stop short. “My soul is already so dark there is no hope of salvation. I plan to go after Cory, but I need your help with something before I agree to do so.”

  Michael shook his head and narrowed his dark green eyes. “I don’t make deals.”

  “I know that, but you haven’t heard this one. I want you to cleanse Nelson’s soul.”

  Michael once again shook his head. “I can’t do that. The evil that invades a soul cannot be let out or there is the possibility it will taint an innocent.”

  “I know that, too. That’s why I am offering myself as the vessel for the evil that taints Nelson’s soul.”

  Michael’s head snapped back in surprise. His wings fluttered for several moments before he was able to calm himself. “Why would you do that? Although you say you’re past redemption, you’re still young in the grand scheme of things. There’s simply no way to know what the future will bring.”

  “I’m in The City for good. I know that. If I can help reunite Joshua with his father, I will gladly do what I can. But,” Draco held up his finger, “I need your word that you will accept Nelson into Heaven if I do this?”

  Tao held his breath as Michael took another step. Michael leaned down until only a quarter of an inch separated his nose from Draco’s. “You’re the one who helped Lu rid Hell of Lysander.”


  The heat between the two men was a physical presence. Tao wiped his forehead as the air around them continued to warm. Tao took a chance and quickly glanced at Michael’s groin. Fuck. He suddenly felt like an intruder. He turned toward Joshua.

  “Awkward,” he mumbled.

  Joshua grinned. “I’ve seen plenty of men have the same reaction to Michael, but this is the first time I’ve seen him look twice at a human.”

  Tao glanced over his shoulder. The two men were talking, but their voices were so low he couldn’t hear what they were saying. As he watched, Draco shook his head and stepped back. Michael reached out a hand, but stopped himself before he could touch Draco’s cheek.

  “Ready?” Draco asked after one last look at Michael.

  “Yes,” Tao and Joshua answered at the same time.

  All three men knelt and closed their eyes. Tao felt the soft breeze on his face as Michael’s wings, once again, unfurled.

  “Be careful.” Tao heard Michael say.

  When Tao opened his eyes, they were once again in The Temple, kneeling in front of the statue of Michael. Tao stood and stared at the white marble statue. “This has nothing on the real thing,” he mumbled.

  “I don’t know. I imagine neither of them listens very well,” Draco grunted.

  “The car’s out front,” Lu informed them from his position in the back of the chapel. He handed Draco his long black leather coat on his way by. “Did you get what you needed from Michael?”

  Draco jerked his head forward in an apparent nod before draping himself in the long fitted coat. Tao wondered if Draco’s sudden mood change had more to do with Michael or where they were headed.

  The thought of Cory being behind the high walls of Old Town was eating at Tao’s gut. How would someone like Cory survive the evil that hung over the city within The City? Before he could get out the door, Lu pulled him to a stop.
