Different Suits Page 6
The best thing about their current position was the way Moody’s body stroked Angelo’s cock on each thrust. Angelo used his hands for better things, like separating Moody’s ass cheeks and dipping his finger inside the tight hole of his lover.
Moody grunted. Afraid he’d pushed beyond the boundaries Moody was comfortable with, Angelo withdrew his finger.
“Put it back,” Moody panted, slamming the full length of his cock in Angelo’s ass.
Angelo lifted his hand to touch Moody’s lips and waited. His lover sucked two of Angelo’s fingers in and coated them liberally with saliva. Angelo withdrew and once again began to tease Moody’s hole.
It didn’t take long for his ministrations to push Moody over the edge. Angelo barely got two fingers into the tight back hole before Moody howled with his release.
In the midst of his climax, Moody stared down at Angelo. “Don’t come yet.”
Angelo nodded in agreement. He tried to think of other things as he continued to stretch Moody’s hole.
Once Moody’s breathing had started to return to normal, he reached for another condom and quickly sheathed Angelo’s cock. “Extra lube,” Moody informed Angelo, handing him the bottle.
Angelo bit back the smile as he applied a generous amount of the slick stuff as Moody removed the soiled condom from his own spent cock. He detected a note of fear in Moody’s voice and wondered how long it had been since his lover allowed someone to fuck him.
Because his cock was more length than girth, Angelo stopped stretching once his two fingers slid easily in and out of Moody’s body. “Ready?”
Moody nodded and sat up, straddling Angelo’s hips. “Is this okay?”
Angelo nodded in return, running one hand down Moody’s muscled chest as he held the base of his cock with the other.
With a deep breath, Moody rose and reached behind him to help guide Angelo’s cock to his hole. “Go slow, okay?”
“It’s all you. I won’t make a move until you tell me to,” Angelo said in agreement.
It took a few moments, but the crown of Angelo’s cock eventually pushed past the tight ring of muscles. He held his breath at the expression of pain on Moody’s face. “We don’t have to do this.”
Moody shook his head. “I want to, with you.”
The comment surprised him. Could it be possible he was Moody’s first? Trying to help in any way he could, Angelo wrapped a hand around Moody’s flaccid shaft. Although nothing was said, the action must have helped, because Moody began to take more of Angelo’s cock.
The process was slow, but Angelo managed to keep himself from thrusting upwards. If he was right about this being Moody’s first time, he wanted to cherish the trust he was being given. Angelo tasted blood and realised he’d bit the inside of his cheek in an effort to be patient with his lover.
“No kissing,” he informed Moody.
Moody looked at him with a funny expression. Angelo stuck his tongue out, showing Moody the blood. “Bit my cheek.”
Moody’s expression softened as he nodded his understanding. Angelo felt Moody’s ass settle against him, and knew his lover was fully seated on his cock. “Move when you’re comfortable.”
Moody leant forward, resting his hands on either side of Angelo’s shoulders and lifted his butt a few inches before sinking back down.
“Shit!” Moody exclaimed, before doing it again.
Before Angelo knew it, Moody was riding his cock like he’d been doing it for years. Moody’s mouth hung slightly open as his head tossed back and forth.
Angelo was finally able to relax and enjoy himself, no longer afraid of hurting his partner. He began to tentatively thrust upwards, seeking a sign from Moody that it was okay.
“Harder,” Moody responded.
Releasing Moody’s cock, Angelo placed both his hands on Moody’s hips and began to fuck his lover the way he’d wanted. He didn’t know if it was because Moody was so tight, or if it was because it was Moody in the first place, but Angelo had never enjoyed fucking so much in his life.
It suddenly dawned on him. Being with Moody wasn’t simply a way of getting his rocks off, it went much deeper. Angelo felt his balls draw up tight at the discovery. “I can’t hold off any longer,” he warned.
“Give it to me, babe,” Moody panted.
His hands shaking, Angelo thrust up once more before unloading his seed into the condom. His body began to quiver at the intensity of his release. He pulled Moody down against his chest and buried his face against the man’s neck.
“Thank you,” Moody whispered.
Thank you? Is he kidding? I should be on my knees kissing the ground the man walks on.
Angelo blinked back the tears that threatened. Leaving San Francisco just got that much tougher.
Chapter Five
Moody insisted on keeping a watchful eye as Angelo watered his outside flowers. He sat on the front porch step and kept his eyes on the neighbourhood. Angelo continued to tease him about it, but Moody knew Blakely’s minions were out there somewhere, and it wouldn’t take them long to find out Angelo was back home.
Hose in hand, Angelo started to walk towards the street. Moody jumped up and followed his lover. Angelo spun around and grinned. “Seriously, Detective, I can water these last few by myself.”
Moody studied the surroundings before turning back towards the porch. He didn’t want to make Angelo paranoid, but he had an uneasy feeling. His phone rang just as he took a seat. “Torrence.”
“Hey. Just checking in,” Jake said.
“You still following Blakely?”
“Yeah, I tailed him to a big office building downtown.”
“What’s he doing?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. He knows I’m watching him though. He’s actually had the nerve to wave several times,” Jake informed him.
A loud screeching of tires caught Moody’s attention just as a speeding car rounded the corner and headed straight for Angelo. Moody dropped the phone and sprinted towards his lover. “Angelo!”
Launching himself in the air, Moody caught Angelo around the waist just as the car swerved and continued down the road. The momentum of Moody’s manoeuvre had them both landing hard on the ground.
Moody’s gaze immediately went to the retreating car and tried to get as much information on the make and model as he could. There was no sense in trying to memorise the licence plate, the car didn’t have one.
With the car out of sight, Moody returned his attention to the man sprawled out beside him. “You okay?”
Angelo nodded, reaching down to rub his knee. “I’ll be sore, but that’s a hell of a lot better than dead.”
Moody shook his head. “I don’t think that was his intention.”
“Coulda fooled me.”
Moody pulled out his ponytail holder and scrubbed his fingers through his hair before putting it back again. “They’re playing cat and mouse with us. I just need to figure out why.”
He stood and helped Angelo to his feet. “Done with the watering?”
“Yeah. Let me wind up the hose, and I’ll go inside like a good stalker victim.”
Moody walked back to the dropped phone. “You still there?”
“What the hell happened?” Jake asked.
“Just a friendly drive-by. A white, 1980’s Monte Carlo, left quarter panel nearly rusted through, no licence plate.” Moody wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I think Blakely just stepped up his game. Let me get Angelo to a safer location, and I’ll meet you at Blakely’s.”
“You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?”
“Me? Of course not, but I’m through being Mr. Nice Guy.”
Jake snorted. “Yeah, that’ll be the day.”
Moody had no sooner hung up, when his phone rang again. He didn’t recognise the number on the display.
“All done,” Angelo said, walking towards him.
Moody held up a finger. “Give me a sec.”
Returning his attention to the p
hone, he pressed the talk button. “Detective Torrence.”
A synthesised voice sounded in his ear. “It won’t stop until someone dies.”
The caller hung up, and Moody was left shaken. Once again his eyes went to the street, sweeping the area.
“Who was it?” Angelo asked.
Moody shook his head and pulled Angelo into his arms. “I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell gonna find out. I need you to call your friend Bobby and see if you can stay at his place while I’m gone.”
“Why Bobby’s place?”
“Because it’s a lot more secure than my place or yours.”
“Moody? What did the caller say?”
Moody hugged Angelo closer and kissed his temple. He didn’t want to scare Angelo, but his lover needed to know he was in real danger. “That this wouldn’t stop until someone was dead.”
He felt Angelo stiffen. “Someone. That could mean me or you, right?”
“Yeah. Although I think we can both agree you seem to be their primary target.” He turned and ushered Angelo up the porch steps. “Why don’t you go pack a bag just in case?”
Angelo slowly walked into the house. Moody couldn’t tell where his lover’s head was, but he knew the wheels in Angelo’s mind were spinning. With any luck, Moody would get to the bottom of Blakely’s plans before anything serious happened. The drive-by had slapped some sense into him. As much as he wanted to protect Angelo, he couldn’t watch over his lover every moment. The only way to end the harassment was to put Blakely behind bars.
* * * *
With Bobby and Jules both at work, Angelo was left to wander around the big empty house. The incident earlier with the car still had him shaken, but the phone call Moody had received had left him pissed.
What if something happened to Moody because he was with him? Angelo knew it was a very real possibility. Bullets didn’t always hit their mark.
Once again, the thought of leaving town was forefront in his mind. He’d been thinking a lot about moving to get another job anyway. With Moody’s safety now an issue, Angelo knew he couldn’t put it off any longer.
Settling in one of the deck chairs, he pulled out his Blackberry and scrolled through his list of contacts. He had a colleague he’d worked with for years who had moved to LA to take a promotion at one of the top radio stations in the entire country. They still kept in touch a couple of times a year. Although he hated calling in favours from his friends, he wasn’t sure what else to do.
He dialled the number and waited for Steve to answer.
“Steve Parsons’ office,” a woman answered.
“Hi, this is Angelo Pilato. I was wondering if I could speak to Steve? We’re old friends from his days in San Francisco.”
“One moment, Mr. Pilato. I’ll see if Mr. Parsons is available.”
Within moments, his old friend’s voice came over the phone. “Angelo! How the hell have you been?”
Angelo thought of all the things going wrong in his life, but he also thought of his newfound relationship with Moody. “You know, good and bad.”
Angelo went on to tell Steve about his run-in with Carl Blakely on the courthouse steps and the subsequent harassment. He hated to sabotage his chance at getting a job, but he knew Steve would find out anyway.
“…so anyway, I was hoping you’ve heard of a sales opening down there?” Angelo finished, holding his breath.
“I might. There’s a guy here who’s been slacking lately. I’ve given him numerous warnings, but he still hasn’t picked up the pace as much as I’d like. I won’t know for sure whether or not he’s going to work out until the end of the month when I get his final sales figures, but if I let him go, you’ll be the first man I call.”
“I’d appreciate that, Steve.” The end of the month was only eleven days away. He could wait that long before looking further down the coast. The closer he kept to his friends and Moody, the better.
He thanked his friend and hung up. Angelo went back into the house and fired up his laptop, typing in the URL for the homepage of the Los Angeles Times. Although it had been nice owning a house, he didn’t want to be tied to lawn maintenance if he was planning to make the trek north several times a month. He entered his address on a few different sites asking for more information on a couple of condominium complexes that looked nice.
Just about to power down, Angelo was surprised when an IM box popped up. The name and message made him gasp.
CB: Are you there?
Angelo swallowed around the lump in his throat. His first instinct was to slam the laptop shut and call Moody. With his hand resting on the top of the screen, he stopped himself. If the messenger was really Carl Blakely, Angelo knew he had the chance at his first real conversation with the man. Maybe he’d get lucky and could get something out of Blakely that Moody could use in the investigation.
AP: I’m here.
CB: Where’s here?
AP: Wouldn’t you like to know. Why are you doing this to me?
CB: God wants you to know your lifestyle is an abomination. I’m simply the messenger.
Angelo tried to tamp down his anger. Think. What would Moody need?
AP: Did God tell you to try and run me over with a car?
CB: God tells me many things.
Shit. Carl Blakely was good at this game.
AP: When will you stop harassing me?
CB: I haven’t even seen you since the day you humiliated me in front of my flock.
AP: That doesn’t mean anything and you know it. I know you have people watching me. You need to understand that Detective Torrence is after you. He won’t let you continue to get away with this.
CB: That’s what I’m counting on.
Blakely signed off and Angelo was left looking at the screen.
“What the hell does that mean?” he asked himself. He took a snapshot of the screen and emailed it to Moody. Picking up his phone, he called the detective to let him know it was coming.
“Hey, babe,” Moody answered.
“I just had a nice instant message conversation with Carl Blakely,” Angelo informed Moody.
“What! He had the nerve to contact you?”
“Yeah. I tried to get him to admit to something, but I’m afraid he knew what I was up to. Anyway, I took a snapshot of the screen and emailed it to you. I thought maybe you could do something with it.”
Moody was silent for several heartbeats. “Don’t play games with Blakely. Just let me do my job.”
Angelo took off his glasses and dropped them onto the coffee table. “Excuse me for trying to help you catch the bastard. I saw a chance and took it.”
Moody sighed. “I don’t know what he’s up to, but he had his own motives for getting into that conversation with you. I’m following up on a lead so I won’t have a chance to look at my email until later. In the meantime, it might be better for you to stay off the computer.”
Angelo ground his teeth together. He knew Moody was just doing his job, but Angelo hated to be told what to do. “I still have a few more things I need to look up, but I’ll log off once I finish.”
“Angelo,” Moody growled, a warning tone in his voice.
“Don’t Angelo me. I’m a grown man. If Blakely pops up again, I’ll simply exit out of the screen.”
“I’ll call you later,” Moody said and hung up.
“Fuck!” Angelo tossed the phone down. Despite what he’d told Moody, he shut the laptop and lay back on the couch.
He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew, he was startled awake by the sound of the front door opening. “Who’s there?”
“Just me,” Bobby called. His friend rounded the corner. “My charter didn’t show up, so I thought I’d come home and keep you company.”
“Did Moody call you?” Angelo knew it wasn’t like Bobby to come home in the middle of the afternoon.
“No. Why?”
Angelo waved his hand. “Nothing.”
“I thought maybe we’d grill out later.
You and your new boyfriend care to stay for dinner?”
Angelo narrowed his eyes. “Let me guess. Trey’s been spreading the word like the freaking town crier?”
Bobby laughed and joined Angelo on the couch. “Maybe.” Bobby reached over and squeezed Angelo’s shoulder. “I’m happy for you. Torrence seems like a nice guy.”
Angelo almost swallowed his tongue. “Don’t let him hear you say that. He prides himself on his scary factor.”
Angelo leaned back on the couch. He’d never been one to spill his guts to his friends, but he really needed to talk to someone. “What would you do if you had someone like Blakely on your case?”
Bobby shrugged. “Probably the same thing you’re doing. I’d let the police take care of it.”
Angelo nodded. “What if you knew someone you cared about was in danger just by being around you?”
“What’s this danger bullshit? Last I heard, Blakely was being more a pain in the ass than anything.”
Angelo sat forward and opened his laptop. The page with the IM with Blakely was still front and centre. “Here’s a little chat I had earlier with my friend Carl. Of course this was right after one of his men tried to run me over in my front yard.”
Bobby grunted and turned the laptop to face him. Angelo could see the anger bubbling up in his friend. Bobby didn’t get mad often, but when he did, watch out.
The laptop slammed shut and Bobby jumped up. He paced the room several times before disappearing into the kitchen. Angelo was about to go after him, when Bobby came back into the room, two beers in hand.
He held a Corona out to Angelo before taking a sip of his own. “Did you tell Torrence about this?”
Angelo nodded. “I took a snapshot of the screen and emailed it to him.”
“What did he say?”
“Nothing. He probably hasn’t read it yet. He was out on a lead when I called to tell him I’d sent it. Don’t worry, though, he growled plenty about me having the conversation with Blakely in the first place.”
“As well he should.”
Angelo noticed Bobby didn’t sit down. Instead of watching his friend pace around the room again, Angelo stood and gestured towards the deck. “Care to watch the ocean with me?”